I mean, isn’t that how trademark is supposed to work? I’m no expert or anything but the original creator hadn’t used the trademark in over ten years and ostensibly had no intention to do so. He also didn’t respond to the notice of opposition.
Seems to me the courts did the right thing in letting gametech have the trademark if they intended to use it.
That’s not to say that I support them making a shitty Cryptobro game but them obtaining the trademark by itself doesn’t really seem shady to me.
Yeah I don’t really get all the hate. Is it the greatest game ever? No not even a little. Is it good though? Yeah I think so. The combat isn’t all that deep but I’m mostly enjoying it for the writing and world building. It also helps that it’s a gorgeous game.
That being said I can’t see paying full price for it. I subscribed to ubisoft + for it and plan on canceling once I’m done with it. Playing it that way makes it cheaper than a ticket to the movies but for way more hours of pretty star wars locales.
Might be an unpopular opinion but I personally think this is fine. Especially for console. As long as the frame pacing is consistent I don’t think the game is going to be harmed by being at 30 fps. If this were PC or a competitive game it might be a different story but aiming on an Xbox controller is already suboptimal and once you play for a while your brain stops thinking about the framerate.
Then again I still go back and play Cod zombies in split screen with my gf on the 360 from time to time which doesn’t even have a consistent frame rate. So I may be someone less worried about that sort of thing.
It wouldn’t be the first time the first point has been brought up. If true it does sound pretty anti competition. But so far there’s been no proof valve is actually doing this and I’m skeptical that it’s happening at all. If it were happening I don’t think we would be getting free games on epic (at least not ones that are also sold on steam). Nor do I think we’d have games on gamepass that are also on steam. I also routinely see sales for games on Green Man Gaming, Humble Bundle, and epic that at the time at least make the games cheaper than they are on steam.
Maybe they have agreements with certain publishers to provide a lower platform fee than 30% in exchange for them not providing the games cheaper on other platforms?
According to who? Halo CE anniversary is higher fidelity than the original sure. But the art direction is all over the place and not at all consistent with the original style. Not to mention the fact they changed the geometry of everything without actually changing collision. Making shots hit walls/trees/objects that are no longer in that spot.
They also just took enemy models straight out of halo reach without any consideration for how those designs match the original games aesthetic.
If you like it, great. I’m happy you’re able to enjoy it. But as someone who grew up with the original the anniversary version was a slap in the face and a blatant cash grab.
That being said I don’t have much faith that a new remake would be much better.
I played a couple hours last night on game pass. I have a 3060 ti and a real cruddy cpu (ryzen 5 2600)
The game is absolutely gorgeous and I was surprised how well it ran on my machine. It’s a UE5 game though so obviously there were plenty of stutters. Definitely not the worst I’ve seen though. Much better than any frostbite game. So thats good. The audio design in headphones is also probably the best I’ve ever experienced in a game. Shit had me genuinely crawling in my skin when a random scary ass voice would start whispering at the back of my neck. Really cool stuff.
The gameplay though? Boring as fuck. I had assumed they would evolve the gameplay somewhat from the first game. I would have thought the devs would have realized that finding symbols hidden in a gray ass environment is about as engaging as a dollar store crossword book. But nope. It’s pretty much exactly the same as the first game. I don’t get it. Why devote so much money and resources into a game that just isn’t engaging to play? Sure, it’s gorgeous and sounds incredible. But if that’s all your game has going for it just make a CGI TV show or something.
Yeah that whole Dolphin thing was weird. Seemed like valve just didn’t want to deal with the legal headaches of fighting Nintendo in court over an application that didn’t really need to be on the steam store in the first place.
Can’t say I blame them really.
Personal opinion time: I don’t think emulators belong on a commercial store anyway. Keep them on their own websites or Github. Putting them on a store like steam is just asking for trouble.
Yes, let’s try to pick apart the one hyperbolic statement he made and completely ignore all of his other valid points. Let’s also link a very biased article about Wikipedia that has absolutely nothing to do with anything as some sort of proof that China is some bastion for workers rights. It’s not like they literally force people into labor camps simply for being minorities or anything.
The US is far from perfect but let’s not pretend they somehow have worse labor rights than freaking China.
Reading through the article he actually seems to indicate the opposite. He actually specifically mentions how he’s frustrated when trying to use windows handhelds because of windows things and that he needs to take ownership over those issues. And he talks about bringing Xbox games (seemingly implying gamepass) to other devices. The phrase “every screen is an Xbox” came up. He also mentioned that they mocked up a windows gaming handheld at some point but nothing came to fruition.
Seems like, at least from what he said here, that they are at least looking into bring gamepass to steam deck.
Of course saying something and actually doing something are two entirely different things so we’ll see I guess. I’m not holding my breath.
While I do understand the sentiment that consoles are more convenient than PCs, there’s nothing stopping you from using a PC as if it’s a console. I game on PC 99% of the time, I almost never play with KB+M, and my PC is connected to my 55’’ LG C2 in my living room right alongside my ps5. This obviously doesn’t stop you from having to deal with dumb pc troubleshooting if you want to do one of the miriad of goofy ass things PCs can do with some technical know how on your part. But if you’re just going to be buying modernish games on steam I don’t think you’re experience is going to be all that different from gaming on a console. It’s just a different box running a different OS that isn’t tightly controlled (from a storefront perspective) by Sony.
Plus you get the benefit of playing games from basically every generation of gaming on one box.
Genki: “we bought this switch 2 model off the black market”
Nintendo: “we did not provide the switch 2 to Genki”
Yes, we know. You’re not telling us anything new.