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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Did they ever restore the old event list or is it still the mostly useless currated list that the steam version launched with?

Still run a team speak server and also run discord. Our teamspeak voice gets a ton more use but people stream on discord the game they are playing. But they still use teamspeak for voice. Because text isn’t persistent on TS we use discord for text and a web forum for long term persistence.

They each have their place. If you can make discord work for you in all cases more power to you but we couldn’t.

This ts version looks like they are trying to lose the few parts of their consumer base they have left. If we wanted discord for everything we would have already left TS.

Assassins Creed Odyssey and Fields of Mistrial.

Wasn’t ajlot i wanted that i didnt already have.

The point is if you are video gaming you are literally watching a video of yourself playing the game. That is why it is "video"gaming…

You have to watch the video of the game you are playing in order to play the game you are playing. By definition… (if you are video gaming) all bets are off for boardgamers!

Correct. I cant prove an unshared private message has been fabricated. No shit.

There are hundreds of people who make accounts and refund them and only this one person is being forced to do a NDA…

This is like asking someone to prove someone else’s Bigfoot photo, which they claim to have but wont show you, is a fake.

No. This isn’t true and it comes from the crazy refund sub which is a circle jerk of sc haters who have been caught out in lies many times.

If your going to hate on sc there is plenty to legitimately hate without making up crazy shit.

I live in a monopoly area. My only choice for internet is comcast at 10/5mbps down up and it costs me 180 a month. Two blocks away fiber costs 40 a month.

Twitch settled with him instead of losing in arbitration for banning him. I want to see the the transcripts. It sounds like part of his settlement was that he couldn’t talk about it but ex twitter employees violated the nda. That’s a lot of work on twitches side to keep it hushed which makes this weirder.

He’s a massive pos so it Wouldn’t surprise me if he did do something worthy of this witch hint but damnit i want to see the texts before i burn him when twitch is being so weird about it.

The one game I’ve been waiting on from the ps catalog. Wont be buying it either.

I wish they would bring back the game settings that gave us the major customizations.

I think a lot figured it would be like hd1 where you could beat a faction and win the war. Devs stated though they wanted one continuous war for life of hd2.

Sadly the new diablo probably sold better (made more money) than poe and le combined.

GTA used to be a satiracle view into society and the gaming industry. Now it represents the worst aspects of both. I have no doubt it will be a good game but i also Wouldn’t be surprised to see it flop as the studio is so disconnected from what made the other games great.

They consolidated companies to the uk. Anyone who didnt want to live in the uk was let go. They did a similar thing to their Texas building years ago.

With a lot of rock and some stone!

My guess it would be like the roughnecks cartoon.

In the demo there was a story subplot about your wife that hooked me hard. In the full game early access it was gone. I really hope they add it back at some point. I want to know what happened to / with his wife!

Had a lot of crashes from the GG AC. A huge steaming pile. Rest of the game is amazing.

I wish the devs would just fuck off and let us coop against bots with progression or let mods do it.

That would be ideal… with 6 player coop…

I heard its actually pretty good if you like survival games. Looks pretty manky though and i heard its really linear and not much digging.

As long as the counterfeit cheese meets all production regulations and is safe to eat I dont care. But the truth is the counterfeit probably cut amlot of corners and isn’t that safe and if people get sick will be much harder to track and prevent future issues.

London Symphony Orchestra with a cool sounding digitized woman’s voice on reverb. Sounds cool as fuck. cant wait to hear the full thing assuming they recorded vocals for the whole song.

Game might be good too…

cant wait for the bio electricity gas station pills which are just Viagra…