For me it was too long. I finished it with all the DLC for the first time a few days ago. I generally enjoyed it but was also quite happy to be done with it when I finally finished it at around the 110 hour mark. I actually took a break after Hearts of Stone and played a couple of shorter games before I came back to finish off Blood and Wine.
I haven’t yet played a single player game that I thought needed to be more than 60 hours no matter how engaging or well made it was.
Yeah, I feel that way about all entertainment. I don’t want to be watching 8 hour movies, reading a book for six months, or sitting through 20 seasons of a TV show. There are so many entertainment options, it seems crazy to spend so much time on one thing.
I’m currently enjoying Witcher 3 but at the 80 hour mark I’m seriously considering finishing Hearts of Stone and then taking a break before tackling Blood and Wine.
I’ve been an Android user since the beginning, started with the G1. But I’m starting to think about Apple. I have no other Apple products but I just don’t care about phone tech any more. I want a long lasting phone that launches apps, texts, and makes phone calls.