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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


That dick wasn’t enforcable. I can’t say if it’s illegal where he comes from but I doubt they would take him to court to enforce it.

I’m not excited. The publishers with the worst DLC track record taking on a competitor with an almost shittier track record with DLCs. Sounds like we’ll get a real shake up in genre /s

You’re not missing much. Just says the dev worked on Stardew, when it will release and a copy and pasted overview of the game from the steam page.

Gabe is only 61. But based on his size he will probably go from health issues from that sooner than old age will get a skinnier Gabs.

Haha. Those who bought that deserve it. They’ve been enabling that shit by buying everything they release. They are two steps away from being sold dog shit and buying it.

Happened to me on Apex Legends. Played the game on and off. Came back on aftrr a break and found I was banned. Appealled and denied. Forget about the game. Get the itch and try and appeal again. Still banned. Good thing I didn’t put any money in to the game. Found out apparently a lot of accounts were compromised at one point and they all got banned. Might be what happened to me but fuck it, not worth my time to convince them.

Minecraft has been content complete for 8 years now and the team has continued to improve the game, for free since then. No other game in history has that level of continuous, free expansion.

Terraria comes to mind. And those updates have been just as substantial, maybe more.

You can get a USB-c to 3.5mm headphone adapter. I got one recently and it works just fine.