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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Mar 03, 2024


Every game about to be looking like that cursed AI generated Minecraft thing.

I guess I only have one data point from installing Graphene on my phone. I can see why it would be harder on other devices. Though I was using Linux, and Windows is absolutely not required for WebUSB.

It’s a tradeoff for sure but it’s worth it for a lot of people.

Yep, Graphene only runs on Pixels but (IIRC) Lineage runs on most mainstream devices. Otherwise stock Android should work fine.

Companies want to spy on you and make money, it’s no secret. Just install stock Android or your favorite fork; it quite literally takes 5 minutes with a WebUSB installer.

Unless I’m very much mistaken the Fold doesn’t have a screen on the same side as the nice camera either.

Woooo can’t wait for exactly zero of these features to arrive to my Graphene’d Pixel!

Well, unless your phone’s got a screen on the back good luck using the other camera.

Recreational purposes, like… having fun? How dare I play an older video game for free! I need to be constantly giving money to huge companies for increasingly terrible games! Won’t someone please think of the quarterly numbers!

One word: Linux.

Valve’s contributions have singlehandedly revolutionized the Linux gaming scene. They’re the only reason I can play most of the games I own. I don’t worship them, exactly, but I do think very highly of them.

GrapheneOS can be rooted, though they don’t recommend it as it’s bad for security. For an archival device I imagine security isn’t a big concern.

My $50 mouse has switches rated for 20 million clicks. Had it for 5 years and it still works flawlessly, but if they do ever wear out I can replace them.

This. The way I think of it, if data isn’t backed up, that data doesn’t really exist. At a bare minimum, keep important data backed up in two separate locations. Ideally you should follow the 3-2-1 backup rule (a main drive, backup drive, and cloud backup fulfill the requirements).

I’d assume they’ll tell ISPs to block TikTok’s domains/IPs. It won’t stop determined people but it’s realistically the best they can do.

Pretty much every web browser except Firefox is just Chromium with some extra crap slapped on it, they’re all functionally the same.

The article says 10MB/s minimum write speed, which would take 4.6 days to transfer 4TB, so… yeah. Even with the “max theoretical transfer rates” of 104MB/s (which is probably just read if anything) that’s still almost 11 hours.

A $300 RFID read/writer? Seems way too expensive, I remember buying one for under $10 for my Arduino a while back.

I was too, but honestly it cuts down on impulse buying which is nice.

An AA battery has around 10kJ of energy; spread over a decade that’s 31 microwatts of power. No way they’re doing useful computations with that.