That’s the thing, i will never be able to write a complete project unaided, full stop. I banged my head against that process for 10+ years trying to teach myself. I’ve tried classes, books, tutorials and i always end up failing out because i am incapable of actually writing code correctly, even when i know what im doing is the way its supposed to work. I struggle enough with just spelling english words, my native fucking language, correctly half the time. So remembering where the semi colon goes or that you need to use : instead of = in these specific cases but not these specific cases, is something my brain is simply incapable of accomplishing.
I’m not applying for jobs, i’m not trying to build any kind of major infrastructure, i just simply want to participate in a community and not be shunned and ridiculed because i use a tool that allows me to participate at all.
This feels discouraging as someone who struggled with learning programming for a very long time and only with the aid of copilot have I finally crossed the hurdles I was facing and felt like I was actually learning and progressing again.
Yes I’m still interacting with and manually adjusting and even writing sections of code. But a lot of what copilot does for me is interpret my natural language understanding of how I want to manipulate the data and translating it into actual code which I then work with and combine with the rest of the project.
But I’ve stopped looking to join any game jams because it seems even when they don’t have an explicit ban against all AI, the sentiment I get is that people feel like it’s cheating and look down on someone in my situation. I get that submitting ai slop whole sale is just garbage. But it feels like putting these blanket ‘no ai content’ stamps and badges on things excludes a lot of people.
Is this slop?
Like I know it isn’t good code but I’m entirely self taught and it seems to work(and more importantly I mostly understand how it works) so what’s the fucking difference? How am I supposed to learn without iterating? If anyone human wants to look at my code and tell me why it’s shit, that’d actually be really helpful and I’d genuinely be thankful.
“Oh yessum I’ll absolutely deliberately lower my profits for the safety of my customer, you bet!” People who think business has any other motivating incentive than profit are the dumbest kind of bootlicker and it makes me so sad.
It’s not even a referee, it’s three shareholders in a zebra print trench coat.
The suit is effectively not about the money at all. It’s about setting a precedent in Japanese court to basically allow Nintendo to patent whatever they want, whenever they want, so they can go after and shut down competitors with ease. Pirate Software has a decent and short breakdown on their youtube channel iirc
One of the other nice things ab X3 is there’s a crap ton of super detailed tutorials and guides out there. The one down side to X3 is just that some of the links on the Egosoft mod forum are no longer working so some mods are no longer available.
Once you have a handle on the game def look into adding some mods. There’s tons from simple QOL mods to basically a complete rework of the game into the star wars universe.
I couldn’t really say. There are thing ab X3 that I really missed in X4. I would honestly say to spend some time watching videos ab both games, especially tutorials. If you haven’t played any of the X games, this is the best tit bit I can give to give a sense of the game.
For x3 they released a bonus dlc/mod that adds ablut half a dozen pieces of equipment and ship upgrades. Just one of those pieces of equipment, a bit of ship software that lets you set up automatic supplying of multiple factories. Also comes with an IRL 47 page instruction manual…
X3 also got a full fledged free expansion dlc 13 years after its original release.
I would say start with X3 but that’s purely out of bias.
Thanks this helped me a bunch.