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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 02, 2023


But doesn’t this make cities which were like social hubs redundant? I haven’t played WoW for a long time and even then not a lot but it was always cool to get to a city and see lots of other players.

It has Denuvo so I won’t buy it regardless of how good it might be

Yeah, probably but my PC is also for me what for other people is their car or instrument. I just want to keep upgrading and fiddling with it.

Know what, I just might get a few questions together and ask them in one of the Linux subs.

I mean I upgraded my PC just to be able to play it when it came out and now I want to upgrade again for Path- and Raytracing.

I don’t have high hopes for TES6 anyway. It’ll probably look shit and plqay worse

The only few achievements I ever actually went for were a few in HoI4 and even then it was only two or three.

As long as they can keep milking sport gamers normal people can get okay games I guess.

It’s a AAA title so of course not. Release buyers are morons paying beta testers after all

Man, and I was still looking a bit forward to this game. Why can’t you just be normal, Ubisoft?

I just keeping modding games I actually wanna play like Rimworld or CP2077 but there’s really a scene for everyone and everything.

I sometimes download Skyrim again, mod it for hours and as soon as I start a new game I realise I don’t even wanna play it.

They will milk CoD, D4 and OW2 until it’s drained and that will be that then

I want Shadows so badly to be good, I’ve been looking forward to an AC in Japan or the Far East in general for so long.

CoD MW1-3, the old ones and not that Fortnite in a CoD skin

I got hooked by the gameplay so even though I’m disgusted by the monetisation I come back almost every day.

Gravity Rush 1 and 2 are the only games I actually miss sometimes since I switched to PC

It looks like someone in the art department had a liking for intestines and wanted something to remind them of it everywhere

It was okay but it never motivated me enough to actually finish it.