I mean cyberpunk2077 you can by and large pause at any time and you can generally save but there are sometimes where it tells you saving is not allowed. So there are certain points in the story where you can be playing for awhile without a save but its not a super lot. Can be sorta annoying though when you get to them though. Still its not much of the game. Its been awhile but I thought harry potter allowed pausing. Don’t recall it putting me in a difficult position where I could not put it down. Technically elden ring has a hidden pause if you go into a menu in a menu. There are youtube videos on it. Its stressful as heck though as a game. If you quite you are by and large fine to but any enemy that is damage will be at full health when you get back but dead ones will stay dead. Its really not much of an issue except for bosses. I think baldurs gate 3 and starfield allow saving pretty much at any time as well and pause, again its been awhile.
im not social but once I got my chats under control I would joke and clown around on them. Well as well as give advice or do actualy game related talk. To me its sorta like a party and I was more likely to engage socially when I was just hanging for one reason or another and more likely to talk business when the action took place. Like champions had these whole zone super enemies called cosmics that popped every four hours and if you came last minute you would likely get locked out of the full zone and they were impossible to beat below a certain threshold of players. so like you would hang out ten or twenty minutes before and screw around. talk and emotes and whatnot.
So the begininig of time was the one part but it also had this paragraph that listed all associates and went on for awhile. It had things like all stock holders and the company is owned by a holding company so all associates they way they listed could conceivably be practically everyone. Anyone who through all of time owned any company stock that the holding company had or had owned it or since its the begining of time any predicessor of it. Lastly it did not limit the scope to my work at the company. I talked with a lawyer and it did technically have the capacity of disallowing lawsuits for anyone for any reason. Case in point is a doctor fucks up a surgery on my wife and it later comes out he was drunk but he owned stock in a company that was bought by the holding company.
Yeah I go through all the contracts and paperwork and I am never wild about any of them but this is one of two types of things I refused to sign despite losing a fair sum with them. I totally get people signing them though as its a tough loss to deal with. There needs to be laws around reasonableness of contracts.
I was thinking recently how it does not seem like ti would take a lot to have a special edition where jackie keeps the implant and you then get him on all missions and the goal is to save him. Could even have the services because like he has to stay hidden or such. Like hes only with you on the missions but you still have to do all the talking and leg work while he hides out.
like most things three is about right. Anymore and I tend to get overloaded and any less and I tend to spin my wheels.