Interesting take regarding Skyrim. In my opinion, open world games are THE thing that VR is perfect for and sadly has way too few options.
I want to be in a virtual world. Seeing the sunset or just sitting down in a tavern in Skyrim and watching the people belong to some of my unforgettable gaming moments.
It is those closed, specialised games that are not fun to me. Give me more Skyrim worlds and less fruit ninja or beat sabre.
Well, who could have seen it coming?
Just about anybody, would be my guess.
I bought the PSVR1 at launch back in 2016, excited to finally BE in a virtual world. And for some games, I was absolutely blown away by the immersion. Skyrim, Dirt and RE were awesome in VR. Especially Skyrim was everything I was looking for.
I waited and hoped for more true games but all that kept coming was mostly short ‘experiences’ that felt like early 2000s shovelware, just in VR.
The best VR games were not Sony games but mostly third party games remade for VR.
When the PSVR2 came out, I decided to wait and see if Sony had learned their lessons and had at least many deals with third party studios to remake existing games in VR.
For now, it does not look that way, and a few exclusive tech demo games and some years-old PC ported games just do not justify buying a PSVR2.
It is really hard to find good mobile games.
Most games are just blatant pay to win fronts. I especially despise those “idle whatever” style games where you wait for your ‘money’ to rake up. Boring stuff.
With smartphones getting more and more powerful, I miss sophisticated games on it. And I am not talking Skyrim here. Even most stuff we could play on Newgrounds 15 years ago blows most of the shit in the store out of the water.
There is just not a big enough market for it, it seems.
Just put some digital boobs in the game. It WILL sell