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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


I feel like you are taking this way more personally than it’s intended. Most companies write stuff like this so the government can’t sue them. Basically, Microsoft is just covering their own ass.

To add to what you are saying, I wish they would make that message clearer. The first time I saw it, I thought they were still going to charge me for the extra copy and just not give it to me. Still not 100% sure about it.

He’s not talking about donations though, he’s talking about paying full price THEN tipping. It’s a blatant excuse to pay developers less while placing financial guilt on the people paying for the product. It’s the same way tipping at a restaurant works.

I get where you are coming from, but the writer of the story was pointing out that artists should not bandwagon other people. Granted, dude is a terrible writer so I don’t blame anyone for missing the point. Also, the Gordon Ramsey analogy doesn’t quite work as Gordon is only the host of the show and doesn’t actually create it.

I think this is actually a good thing. In a perfect world exclusives wouldn’t exist and you would buy things based on their own merits. Having to buy something you don’t want because you fear missing out on a game is a horrible experience. In fact I stopped caring because I got so tired of possibly missing out on a game. It has worked out great for me this generation.

Always down for more Shantae. I feel like the series is seriously underrated.

Here’s my hot take, I agree, but publishers need to increase pay to developers before I will accept a price hike. Until then I am waiting for that discount like I always do.

You joke, but Google does not take hardware as seriously as they should. I say this as an owner of a Pixel 7. I actually really like the hardware, but the simplicity and clean look of the software is why I actually love the phone. I have to baby the phone because I know Google doesn’t actually care even if they swear up and down they do.

The only thing I have to say is I couldn’t get away from Samsung fast enough. The bloat is just ridiculous (like do I really need two voice assistants that I can’t uninstall AND two stores for apps?), the UI is an abomination, and the camera processing always made my eyes bleed. As someone who dabbles in photography I hate that the camera prioritizes being vivid over all else. Probably the only good thing I can say about them is the build quality is great.

The stupid amount of bloat I couldn’t uninstall is the reason I stopped using Samsung phones. Sure they are popular and decently priced, but Samsung is really showing how much they don’t care about the user experience since they are on top.