• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


A new IP is smart. Many game developers have gotten huge when a successful franchise takes off. Assassin’s Creed, The Elder Scrolls (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, ESO), Fallout (like you mentioned), Mass Effect, Grand Theft Auto, Far Cry, Witcher, just to name a few.

If they do it this year, it might finally be the Year of the Linux Desktop!

I’m only at 3%, which was one new game only, Stalker 2.

I think the only other game I got at release in a long while was Cyberpunk 2077. I usually wait until the sales.

It’s a good game. Gunplay is satisfying and the game oozes atmosphere. It’s very much like the previous games in the series so they didn’t mess with the formula. A lot of returning characters (Sidorovich, Beard, Barkeep, Scar).

The latter half of the game quests can be a little buggy though, so it felt like that part was rushed to completion.

Now I gotta wait to get though work first today, just hope it flies by so I can get home to try this out.

Ubisoft says they make AAAA games now, so probably at least $70 for the base game standard edition.

It helps when you’ve fed a few that you’ve made by hand to start in the same thread for it to use as an example (and format), along with one of your resumes. Then copy and paste the job description and have it generate a cover letter for you.

Keep it all in one massive thread, if it makes a mistake, correct it and tell it to apply those changes to future ones as well (in my case it kept saying I had over ten years of experience when in actually I just had ten, so I had to correct that behavior).

Since it’s an AI it will sometimes hallucinate, this usually happens if there are terms in the job description that aren’t in your resume… either have it regenerate (if it will take more than a few minutes to edit) or strip out the offending sentences. Some will need very little editing, especially if the job description closely aligns with what you have on your resume.

Oh and be polite because it now knows all your skills and can probably murder you in your sleep lol

ChatGPT Plus is likely, for many people, a “lifestyle product.” And the problem is that, when people lose their jobs or inflation hikes, these products are the first to get slashed from the household budget.

So I have a slightly different experience here. When I lost my job recently I actually ended up signing up for ChatGPT plus. I abused the ever living hell out of 4o to crank out tailored cover letters and matching resumes. I was able to roughly triple my job search productivity until I got a job three months later.

Was it worth it? For that timeframe (3 months, $60) hell yeah since the mental labor of handcrafting cover letters for each job listing is extremely taxing and takes some of the awfulness out of the entire job hunt.

Hedge funds really like replacing CEOs as long as it makes line go up.

drive an Uber or whatever, go off to find a cheap place to live and go to the beach for a year.

Shockingly tone-deaf.

When I was laid off, my savings were running very low after about 3 months until I was able to get another job.

Absolutely no way I would be able to take a year off to go to the beach. It’s like he doesn’t realize we all aren’t CEOs.

Super difficult though, but very fun. I liked the spy character, forget his name though.

Instead of generative AI for game assets, id much rather see something like a LLM in game that dynamically controls NPC behavior. That would be cool as hell.

Like an RPG where you can type what you want to say to an NPC instead of choosing a fixed dialogue tree.

Yay, let’s hope they get out of gaming completely so we don’t have to deal with their shit.

Ooh a modern Daggerfall? That sounds cool.

I dunno if I want to do a Kickstarter backing though, got burned in the past (looking at you Star Citizen).

Finally, the Year of the Linux Desktop draws near!

Any year now. I hope.

Who do they think they are? An AAAA publisher? Only Ubisoft has that dubious claim.

In the future when it needs updating again, I hope the new version will be Rereremastered.

I can see this being used at theme parks to replace the paper strip you’d otherwise have to wear to show that you’ve paid for entry.

Or nightclubs that do the same thing.

Let’s hope for a future where SteamOS ushers in the Year of the Linux Desktop and SteamOS replaced Windows everywhere.

Is this why Waze would sometimes just terminate by itself when not at as the active window? It’s annoying when it happens when I’m driving and have an audiobook or Spotify up and my GPS app decides to suddenly stop without even saying it terminated.

So if you pay $80 for a gorilla glove, are you really the one doing the fisting here? 🤔

Definitely makes me not want to buy their AAAA games if they can just revoke the licenses against our will a few years down the road.

How do they not see that this is hurting their brand long-term?

I look forward to the release of the Blyatbox “October Revolution” edition console.

Hmm maybe trying to capitalize on the timing of the Netflix series? I can see people who like the series but never played the games to be interested in them now.

I guess their AAAA branding strategy isn’t working out for them.

One thing I didn’t like about Shogun 2 and all subsequent sequels was enforcing a limited number of armies by forcing a general to be present. The maximum number of armies you could field is naturally bottlenecked by your economy, so you should have the flexibility to use some non-generaled armies to bolster garrisons in key strategic locations. Instead, you need to use one of your scarce generals to defend it, which prevents them from being used offensively so they just sit around.

Morality policing is dumb. If she wants to stream through her chest or butt, more power to her.

Yeah the desktop mode is a really nice feature of SteamOS. I’ll pass on this one.

I’d place Superliminal in this category as well.

If Embracer sells all their studios at least they won’t be in gaming anymore.

Damn I didn’t know that Coffee Stain was owned by Embracer.

If Embracer forces them to stop working on Valheim or Satisfactory imma shit some bricks.

Can the FTC force an unmerge? I hope they aren’t toothless like a lot of the other captured regulatory agencies.

Archived link here: [https://archive.ph/3yFEc](https://archive.ph/3yFEc) "Quality content draws eyeballs. So do car crashes." lol

Developers of indie puzzle game Orgynizer have claimed that Unity said organisations like Planned Parenthood are "not valid charities" and are instead "political groups." In a blog post, the EU-based developer LizardFactory said the plans to charge developers up to $0.20 per install if they reach certain thresholds would cost them "around 30% of the funds we have gathered and already sent to charity." As Unity clarified the runtime fee will not apply to charity games, LizardFactory reached out to the company to clarify their game would be exempt from the plan. However, Unity reportedly said their partners were not "valid charities" and were viewed as "political groups." Profits made from the game go directly to non-profit organisation Planned Parenthood and C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, Michigan. "We did this to raise money for a good cause, not to line the coffers of greedy scumbags," the developers wrote in a blog post. "We have been solid Unity fanboys for over ten years, but the trust is scattered all over the floor." The developers are considering a move to open-source game engine Godot, "but we will have to recode our entire game because we refuse to give you a dime," they wrote. "This is a mafia-style shakedown, nothing more, nothing less." Today, Unity responded to the ongoing backlash and apologised, acknowledging the "confusion and angst" surrounding the runtime fee policy. The company has promised that changes to the policy will be shared in "a couple of days."