We Who Are About To Die
Physics based Gladiator roguelike. Work your way up, start fighting with boards dressed in rags in city crossroads for the amusement of peasants, and end a God of Blood fighting in gold in the Coliseum!
Or die along the way. You’ll die a lot along the way :)
If you want some Vampire to tide you over in the meantime, https://ttrpg.network/c/vamp_tm
Wowzers! You’re as clever as you are original, any other ‘capitalizm bad’ slick slogans we morons dissatisfied with the capitalist system can slap on a shirt and buy en mass???
Pdox is a corporation under a capitalist system. What generally happens to corporations that don’t “go up” under capitalism???
Pls lmk, surely idk how stagnant companies fare in a system that endlessly prioritizes growth to the detriment of sustainability!9
“I’m feeding the rage a little for my own entertainment here, just so you know,” one wrote, seemingly acknowledging—and dismissing—the upset amongst the community.
He then went on to say the balance patch “made two of the most brainless playstyles less viable,” which, no surprise here, also didn’t go over screamingly well.
Honestly based
Short article with more information:
TLDR: Dev is The Chinese Room, developer of Dear Esther and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture. They still won’t say what happened with Hardsuit Labs, the OG dev, and the mechanics and system will be totally different.
Instead of a thin-blood, you’re an Elder fresh from torpor.
Short article with more information:
TLDR: Dev is The Chinese Room, developer of Dear Esther and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture. They still won’t say what happened with Hardsuit Labs, the OG dev, and the mechanics and system will be totally different.
Instead of a thin-blood (new, weak vampire), you’re an Elder (old, scary vampire) fresh from torpor (long VampNap).
As someone who began playing video games around that age, I recommend Pokémon! She can pick her gendered avatar, then pick her favptite team of cute and/or cool creatures, and I’ll swear up and down that my desire to embrace and understand that entirely text-based world of Pokémon nurtured my reading abilitiy far more than school ever did at that age.
Pokémon! It’s like crack, but for reading, and also suitable for five year olds!
“Lok’tar Ogar!”
And “Get outta the DAMN WAY!”