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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Dec 17, 2023


Fist party keyboards have the exact same permissions. The code is hidden though and noone can audit it.

Even though KDE Connect came with Endeavour OS (arch BTW) I had to allow some firewall settings.

The online version is so different than the original release. Its like a whole different hand you’d hardly recognise (except for its GTAness).

What is the difference between the official app and https://github.com/Goooler/LawnchairRelease

I beloeoce since 2018 and this year the Goooler version was slightly ahead with some fixes.

But is is now the same app, just signed with different keys (whatever that means). And if so why does git say its 250commits ahead?

Ah! For me it’s “Daily 2x1” I don’t have the option in 3x1

I don’t see where I can change it to Tile, or data too custom.

I miss the gifts, and would love a kB that I can swap to in order to add a gif.

What I miss most is emoji search and recommendation. There’s so many that I can never find the one I want when scrolling though each page.

What are the additions over the original of the fork? I know the original is no longer developed / rarely developed.

Its a personal free outliok account. So not really sure. It wouldnt be exchange or POP. I guess it’s O365 authed and however the phone sets it up.

Outlook Calander Sync Issues
I've got a few accounts on my phone, and the calanders are set up to sync. When I look in the outlook app I can see the outlook events as expected. When I use the Samsung Calender app (preferred), the Google Calander app, or any other Calander apps the outlook Calander has issues. Some events appear, others don't, some seem to disappear etc. I think it's to do with android and the syncing of the Calander, but I'm not sure what. I've used the reset account button in the outlook app, and deleted and re-added the account. _Written with dyslexia._

I have the same issue and figured the app only worked in the US. I’m in a 5 eeus country but every time I’ve tried the app I can only navigate to a street. Never a number on that street. Even after download the maps. Most sure what’s going wrong.