On a single platform. Giving a single company complete control over the marketplace, forcing any company looking to sell their game to a large audience to go through steam.
No greedy shareholders, yet Valve pioneered the lootbox and micro transactions that G*mers complain about with other companies.
A company doesn’t need to be public to be greedy. And using that as the sole distinction between “good and bad” companies is an incredibly sheltered take.
Talking about the games themselves rather than the subject matter. Iracing oval racing is pretty fun and shows the unique challenges to this style of racing.
Aww dude, you really have nothing. Don’t worry Valve probably has some new loot boxes and cheap knock-off items they’ve slapped their logo on for you to buy.
The reason they hold most of the market share is not because of bad business practices it’s because the opposite. People use their service cause it’s the best.
I have physical copies of PC games that require a Steam Account.
I bet none of the little shits even played the original. They probably think Pyramid Head was just the town’s old executioner. And not the personification of James guilt over his unhealthy view of women.
Yet more evidence that G*mers should be bullied more.