Ff7 Rebirth was so goddamn good (through my heavily biased nostalgia goggles, at least) and I really hope all this restructuring doesn’t ruin the next one.
The one out now is a prelude chapter, but it’s more of an adventury, sidescrolling type game. I bought it on the Switch but never got into it because it felt a little too basic, but I think it’s just meant to be an introduction into the world.
And just FYI, Suikoden typically focuses on a handful of the heroes, and the rest will be base NPCs and support characters, but the storytelling is pretty good, and they can go pretty deep on who they do focus on.
Very hyped for this one. It's a spiritual successor to the Suikoden series (PS1/PS2), of which the second game is my all time favorite RPG.
Anyone else?
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth was unexpectedly great in this respect.
You can save/load virtually any time, and almost every single thing you do adds an icon to the map that you can use for fast travel. I’m really loving it!
Didn’t Subsistance have a 360 degree third person camera or am I misremembering?