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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I used Newpipe for ages but it seems to struggle with the recent wave of blocking attempts by Google so I just switched to Libretube, that has the benefit of Sponsorblock and promised Dearrow support with the next release!

I have to check it out soon but someone tolled me that it even supports Izzy’s repo!

Someone here got Stable Defusion skills? I bet that could look great in all kinds of styles!

No but I am fairly certain Gitlab dose in case that could work for you.

Damn, no clue how to solve that one but please just don’t flash a ROM till you are certain it is for your phone because it could brick! :/

You can check the system info section in your settings to get a model number and find out what you have exactly using that and a search engine.

I mean, I would say I use Firefox in F-Droid too because well that’s what I do but people seem to agree with you so I will change the title. Sorry for the confusion but make sure to add Izzys repo, it’s a must have! ;)

It has a very optional but stupidly expensive subsctiption but even after long searching Standard Notes remains the best one I ever used!

It’s a little clickbaity but I don’t think “On F-Droid” means “In the F-Droid Repository” or?

There are LineageOS versions and custom XDA Forum ROMs for the “Mi 10t Lite” but I can’t find any with 5G in the name, are you sure that’s in there?

People would stop gambling if casinos only served drinks!

Not if you manage to split it up into multiple databases and decide to move to Bitwarden manually at some point! 😅

Yes but it’s on F-Droid so you can just use that too, multiple F-Droid clients have no issue coexisting on one device, I actually had both on mine for a very long time because I didn’t care to uninstall one till I cleaned up again. ;)

Nice! I couldn’t find my old Codeberg account and didn’t care to create a new one for now but I definitely should report some issues too!

If you want to use your phone for a few years it’s very nececary in my experience, they tend to get slow quick and with LineageOS (previously Cyanogenmod) I can still use a Galaxy s5, well I could if half of the hardware wasn’t broken but that’s beside the point. I think ROMs are definitely neccecary but mine isn’t rooted rn and it’s probably debatable if you realky need that, I miss a proper adblocker so I should have rooted mine and probably will sooner or later considering I got Lineage on it already.

A fork of Infinity is here but it’s still in Alpha, works quite well for me already tho! ;)

It’s a fork since the original dev still tries to work out a deal with Reddit or something and still in a very early stage but I won’t switch away again, loved it for Reddit and love it now! :)

It keeps complaining that it can’t sync multireddits (whatever tf that’s supposed to be) and I used Jerboa to edit my post because Infinity crashed but over all it’s been a great experience so far!

I prefer Infinity but I did so for Reddit too so it’s just my prefered app in general, Sync definitely seems to have less rough edges! I think the main advantage over fresh Lemmy apps are their UX and Animations, those are increadably hard to get right without years of user feedback!

Mine was Infinity, I guess habbits just change slowly. I think both are really good options and Thunder is probably further into development, I would definitely expect less rough edges with that one atm!

It’s not my cup of tea but definitrly a good one too, especially that design!

My brother bough one of the nord devices (couldn’t tell you which) and it was laggy and locked! :/

I think that’s one of the main reasons I used it for Reddit all the time, there is something about those animations and that loading speed that makes the app just feel great to use.

Sometimes things break with the rapid update cycle but especially for WIP apps it’s really useful to get updates on a daily instead of a weekly basis and Izzy is doing a fantastic job!

Infinity for Lemmy is on F-Droid through IzzyOnDroid’s repository now!
My favorite Reddit client Infinity has a Lemmy version now, it's still heavily WIP (pre-release) but works like a charm already. A few hours ago IzzyOnDroid added it to his F-Droid repository so while it's not in the official one yet, which isn't that easy with a pre-releases app and only updates weekly, you can install and update it thought your favorite F-Droid client now! If you use F-Droid you should have Izzy's repo anyway, otherwise you did something wrong! ;) This should be enough but if you have issues adding his repo I recommend to get Aurora Droid, it's a beautiful F-Droid client and has a list of useful third party repos you can enable with a single click! - https://android.izzysoft.de/repo - https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.aurora.adroid/ **Edit:** some more useful links to check! - [email protected] - https://codeberg.org/Bazsalanszky/Infinity-For-Lemmy - https://fosstodon.org/@bazsalanszky

It’s actually the other way around historically speaking, more DRM and locking down causes people to care less. The latest Darknet Diaries episode is about Team Xecuter, I think you would really enjoy that one! ;)

In addition to reduced performance Denuvo is very invasive regarding your operating system so it could be a potential way to hack your system too!

It’s probably unlikely to happwn soon but in that case the only right answer is piracy once they found a way around this shit again!

I got my brother to buy one but can’t affort one myself, it’s damn cool tho, especially while I watch it with my broken Battery and charging port!

Expensive, fragile and rather useless unless you plan to replace your computer and in that case you just made a bad decition. I think it’s a very desperate attempt to hype yet another generation of smartphones no one needs with a gimmick becuase sales go down.

EA’s Origin closes your account after two years of inactivity since it exists, not sadly Ubisoft dose the same shit! :/

Yea, if you want any kind of security for your online accounts it’s a absolute must! I use Bitwarden, it’s free, open source and easy to use with clients for all debices you might own but for more technical users Keepass is also a great opzion with even more clients available