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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2024


Most people seem to think it’s better than Victoria 3.

Funilly enough, Victoria 1 Revolutions was in many aspects better than V2 (although 2 may have been better overall) - and yes, V2 from what I see is much better than V3. Paradox regressed through their own arrogance.

I am perfectly well aware what happens after acquisitions. Give it six up to twelve months and check again.

This. And they will pretend to be happy until redundancies come.

No. You have given an opposite example. If you want to use historic comparisons it is Israel which proudly follows Third Reich, starting with racist laws and ending with genocide.

Would you be against a video game glorifying the Nazi invasion to Poland if it didn’t show Nazis killing civilians?

Nazi invasion of Poland - you mean like Israeli invasion and occupation of Palestine?

Fantastic news. I loved Witcher 3, we will see how good 4 is.

The answer is to introduce law which would force digital products to be owned, not licenced for non commercial users.