As much as I dislike Ubisoft, it’s nitpicky as hell.
The Year only has 365 days. Billions of people have inhabited the planet and screwed over each other for thousands of years in various terrible ways. Add in shitty natural causes like plagues and such, And well…
Good luck finding a date something shitty didn’t happen.
I just started dual booting to see what Linux could do nowadays. And yes, there’s a few games I have trouble playing, but it’s mostly games like Subnautica that gives me trouble. And in all honesty, that game barely works in Windows as it is.
I haven’t had problems with anti-cheats at all. Like, Helldivers 2 runs as well on Linux as in Windows.
Depends on what is meant by “Influential”. Are we talking within the industry or among players?
Because, as much as I hate to say it, World of Warcraft pretty much revolutionized the industry. From the live-service, massive multiplayer format to every nasty type of monetization model we’ve seen in almost every big title since.