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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 31, 2023


At least with battle passes its all laid out and its more a case of putting the play time in.

Last year 1080p displays were still 65% or so of steam users, so there’s a bunch of people would be served perfectly well with older GPUs you can get for a couple hunski instead of buying a 4080 to cram a 12 inch rod through a 4 inch hole.

Hardware isn’t a big profit driver for basically anyone usually so you dont have to feel bad if you pick up a ps5 or Xbox controller for PC.

No hate for third party but just so people know. 🤷‍♂️

That you obtained for the cost of like 3 full priced ps5 games 🤣

This is me. I don’t give a single fuck about achievements, unless ive really enjoyed myself and (usually) only if I’m most of the way via my regular playthrough. Requiring multiple playthroughs is an immediate turn off, too many other games to get to lol.

You can 100% tell someone’s paper RPG experience level by their favorite elder scrolls game lmao

Second Wind (old video team from the escapist) has been going strong but they’re still pretty new.

Idk anything about rps but hopefully some of them rally and do the same.

This is the big one. people have grown accustomed to an unsustainable system, problem is wages are still so stagnanted so nobody has money for 10 subs to things.

I’ve had choice since it was monthly, I’ll probably end it this year (I pay yearly) cause eh so much filler. I’d say I get my moneys worth but 🤷‍♂️ I’m getting old anyway haha

I at least was able to recoup a few bucks when they forced fb accounts. A friend was interested in buying a headset anyway so we worked out a price for my account and just migrated it to his fb instead of mine. Bought an index and it’s pretty tight.

They didn’t care about it being China owned

They didn’t care about data sharing

Share info on the platform the US can’t censor though and then it’s ban time 😂

Pmed and also dropping in the comments for mental health solidarity. Here for you friendo ❤️

Factually! With Adam Conover just did an episode with this guy, if podcasts are more your speed! Good listen!

Well fuck I should just put it on my switch. Oh well I got $20 off on QVC and I like Prince of Persia so I don’t mind pumping sales figures for it.

Idk when it’ll get here though so maybe I still will 😂

“I’m not saying they can’t not work with him, I’m just saying it’s morally wrong to not work with him.”

There’s actually alot more than this single issue to him being let go anyway (not that you care,) but it’s super telling about you as a person that you’re dying on this hill that it’s infinitely more morally wrong to refuse to work with a pedo creep than it is to be a pedo creep.

There’s no extreme here buddy, except yours. You admit guy is an asshole, then complain that people didn’t want to continue working with said asshole. Why does he have the right to be a terrible person, but his coworkers don’t have a right to cut ties with him?

I’m with you in regards to JRPGs and grinding in particular - the story and other gameplay of Like a Dragon kept me around to the end, but ended up watching the end on YouTube instead of grinding up for the final gauntlet.

All that said, I love Chrono Trigger. Great story, solid combat for what it is, totally recommend as one not-big-on-jrpg-type to another.

I don’t think I’ll ever understand you people who exist in this weird venn crossover of “This is America it’s their right to perv on teens/be a bigot/whatever other skeevy shit” and “You’re literally infringing on their freedom if you decide you don’t want to work with somebody, you should be forced to do business with them regardless of how terrible or toxic they are”

I’m really considering this at this point, I’ve never really had any issues with windows but as a techie it feels more and more like my duty to be “that guy.”

I’ve already been on privately hosted email for years and started self hosting some stuff on a pi.

I picked it up on a whim, scoffed at it after a couple of hours and never touched it again. I’ll give it a go once this update drops though.

The “pay for sub then buy games on top of that” was 100% how I heard it worked and NEVER heard anything different from anywhere.

That’s kinda nuts.