I was going to immediately mention Hollow Knight but I see someone already did. Second thought: Tunic. It’s been a long time since a game hit me as hard as those two.
For pure fun addictive gaming: Factorio is absolutely nuts. 2D survival craft platforming action: Terraria is still king.
For space empire building check out X4: Foundations, after almost 10 years under development it’s absolutely amazing (but a huge timesink haha)
Oh and if you’re into semi-hard-scifi basebuilding you could give Stationeers a look. Sunk quite some hours into that one.
I’m around level 5 still mostly, I only joined fairly recently. I’ve only had 1 full ctd so far but I’ve been stuck in geometry countless times, one time the extraction console wouldn’t activate, one time a geometry glitch prevented us from boarding the escape ship. Sometimes my weapons won’t switch and when I go to iron sights it’ll just show my empty hands.
It’s a testament to how great the game is that I still can’t wait to play more though haha
In just not interested in anything Bethesda any more. I played a ton of FO3 and Oblivion back in the day. A good bit of Skyrim. New Vegas was pretty decent. But the engine just feels so incredibly stale and outdated. The dead eyed characters barking their lines at you. Everything just feels clunky and unimmersive. It feels more like a chore than a fun game.
I’m someone that happily advocates Linux for daily use but for gaming… Some games run great on Linux Steam but there are more than a few that either won’t run at all or for some reason (gpu drivers maybe?) run slow as hell when on Windows they run just fine. I 100% prefer to run on Linux but until there’s a solution for that I’m stuck dual booting.
This is it. Forget all the tracked on nonsense. The base building, the character management, production chains all that nonsense…
If you focus on the combat/looter aspect of the game, that part is actually pretty good. A world apart from the janky combat of Fallout, it actually feels pretty visceral.
One of my all time favorites. This looks like a real remaster rather than SS1’s remake. Either way looking forward to revisiting the Von Braun and the Rickenbacker.