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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


Played since vanilla, took a break in the middle for a while, dragon flight hit the fun of Wow really well compared to the other recent expansions. I’ll probably stick around for war within too. They learned a lot of lessons from the mess that was shadow lands.

Starsector. Fucking phenomenal game with an excellent mod scene. Almost exactly what you described.

And? ‘AAA’ studios take 10 years and still put out garbage. If CIG does better than why would I complain.

Actually yeah. Pretty close on track from their 2018 roadmap till now. About a year or two delayed, but tbh that’s fair considering the cluster fuck they had to figure out to get persistent entitiey streaming working. But for the most part that roadmap was accurate.

Yeah eve handles it by slowing down time in-game. So each player has less actions for the server to handle per cycle.

Every game has their way of handling it. Cig is doing it via the replication layer and dynamic meshing. IE multiple servers talking to a “boss” server that scales based on needed load without Eve’s crutch of time scaling. Totally different technologies.

Eve’s solution worked based on what they had and needed at the time, but it’s old hat now.

It’s already in active player facing testing so yeah. Normally when they bullshit they don’t have players testing the feature.

The last one that’s missing is IIRC Jump-points and they’re adding that within 3 months. They’re still fleshing out salvage and the dynamic economy stuff, but the initial implementation is there.

If I’m wrong though I am all ears.

This is all just stuff they’re porting over from Squadron 42 now that they were able to move those devs back to SC. I have no idea why this deserves it’s own article.

They should be bragging about the 400 player single shard test they just finished.

Calling bullshit on this. Have a very similar rig and I load into the cities within a minute or two, and if I spawn on my ship or a station it’s faster than that.

Never giving Ubisoft another penny. Haven’t for years and have no plans to do so again.

I know it’s still buggy AF but Star Citizen has had that for years.

Vampire the Masquerade, Bloodlines. Came out before HL2 and I still go back to it ever year or two

Foxhole. Because even if I’m not at the front, I can still make propaganda for Callahan.