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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


I have a friend who is too beautiful (and unfortunately meek) for her own good, attracting stalker types with horrifying regularity. This is a great change.

I have a number of friends and former guildies who went back to play the classic game. I can’t say that I wasn’t a little tempted because I loved it back then, but I really wish that they would just stop beating this dead horse.

Are they pretending the JROTC doesn’t exist? The US military absolutely targets minors under the age of seventeen for recruitment.

Absolutely. All of the expansions are good, but especially the ones that add extra masteries (classes).

I haven’t played this since it was in Early Access, so I really appreciate the reminder to play the completed game.

This post reminded me that I have a Steam Link. Somewhere.

Don’t Starve is probably the supreme example of this. It’s great. You can adjust difficulty in specific areas.

As someone who became mostly very suddenly disabled, and an avid gamer who has been forced to give up most games, including some of my favorites, I have to say that this is the best article I’ve read on the topic so far. Thank you for sharing. Hopefully people will actually read it and think about it.

And giving all of that up, or I guess we should say losing all of that, has dramatically deteriorated my ability to socialize. It’s just lose lose lose if you are a gamer who can no longer use your hands properly.

Oh no, the game’s been having regular updates for years. Fantastic dev team.

As a Pixel user, I don’t appear to have the option of uninstalling YouTube. Imagine that.

I hope not. Maps has become cluttered with nonsense I’m not interested in enough already.

Don’t Starve Together. I suck at it, but I love opening up the map and building up my base.

I am actually planning to get that when the new one comes out. Thanks for the recommendation, though!

Yeah, I’ve had three Pixels now and I won’t be getting another. I mostly just went with them because I need something small (and even their a series Pixels are not really small).

Same thing happens if you cut your hair short as a woman. Suddenly you look much younger, apparently. Unless you are 50+. Then it’s considered normal.

I have one of the newest Google pixels, so it’s probably not that. I’ve retrained it a couple of times and gave up. 🤷‍♂️

I’ve actually found voice recognition to be worse than it was prior to Android 12. As soon as I got that update, it started having more errors.

That would be so great. As a person with an illness which makes me highly susceptible to respiratory infections, I basically have to avoid crowded places as much as reasonably possible, such as offices, or I spend some 1/3 to 1/2 of every year sick. If that sort of behavior became the norm, though, I would be so much safer and could go out more.

This is amazing. Devices like this, if they can be expanded upon to be able to detect multiple viruses, would be a real game changer as far as spreading contagious illnesses goes. It could also help immunocompromised people know if somewhere is safe to be.

Fingers crossed that this sort of technology actually gets adopted and rolled out and becomes cheaper over time, and isn’t just one of those many fantastic inventions you read about and then never hear of ever again.

Actual influenza makes people too sick to work. Most people are thinking of a cold or RSV or similar and they say they have the flu, so they underestimate how bad the flu is.

You could spend hours a day managing the loot alone!

Stardew Valley, Terraria, Graveyard Keeper come to mind.