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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Sep 04, 2023


It’s just 4 comments in here that are complaining. It’s not a lot. I think you’re overreacting

I know OP, you’re not the first to post about this. Try harder next time

Nah, jet set radio is better. You can take more hits, there’s more characters, you move faster, and that’s just start of why Jet Set Radio is better than BoMb RuSh

If there were physics in GTA V then they were portrayed very poorly

Here’s to hoping this game doesn’t make you feel like you’re walking drunk. I would have played Grand theft Auto v if the movement didn’t feel clunky

What about quake? That got remade and we didn’t have to pay for that

Because it is still the same game. Then they expect us to pay for it again? That is so frustrating

What? That is Soo lame bro, why would they change that? Way to go Niantic. Ya idiots

What a strange game. It had an amazing cinematic trailer, and cutscenes but compared to the game it was terrible, And it disgusted me

I would never play it if it was subscription based. Fuck subscription based games.

What a dumb pay to win game. I did my crucible time. When the sequel came out, and I noticed there was nothing different about the crucible. It’s like the devs didn’t even try, like all they probably did was update net code or some security stuff. I saw no point in buying it. Just a stupid copy pasted game with a 2 at the end of it

Doesn’t really look interesting, there wasn’t even a video to showcase the game engine, try harder next time. I’m still only going for THE FINALS when It comes out

I really enjoyed THE FINALS, but I don’t play much games with unreal engine so I can see a future without Epic Games

I think ASUS should stop making phone and stick to what they are good at. Which is making laptops

How can Alan wake 2 even be up there? I have never even heard of it or seen gameplay of it. Baldurs gate 3 is going to win it anyways. It’s the best game of all

I miss THE FINALS. I hope it releases before Christmas

Wow is such an ugly game. You get these amazing looking CGI trailers but then when you check it out in game it’s just polygons. So dumb. At least guild wars 2 looked good, but I haven’t played that in forever so who knows what it looks like now

It makes sense, you don’t want to pay for voice actors then I don’t want to pay for the game. How hard is that to understand?

Which destiny 2 players are stunned specifically? Was it some destiny 2 YouTubers or something?

What? That does not mean anything? Totk is not even a word

Unrealistic hardware expectations? Are you kidding me? They’re not unreal expectations. Some people just don’t have the best PC parts and are getting left in the dust. It would be unreal expectations if their game has to be run on a graphics card that hasn’t been made yet. Other than that this is just a fluff article

It is a damn shame too, because there are a lot better games than this lazy cosmetic, hacker filled game.

A game that I never heard of is removing their battle pass, and monetization options. Ok?

I’m not gonna play it. i wanted a beta key, and they never gave me one. Oh what’s that? Your game is now available? Too bad I lost interest

Oh it’s finally being completed? Then what happened to it being released 6 years ago? What was that? The BETA? I thought it was a full game?

Says these phones are shit, but yet doesn’t provide proof…ok buddy

Trying to beat the high alchemist in Noita, but I haven’t been able to find a personal fireball thrower spell to stick on the high alchemist. I mostly end up dying anyways through normal progression

Yeah?!?! You think so huh? I’m holding my breath on this one and keeping my interests in other game pads like ASUS ROG one, or the one that Logitech is making