Goldeneye scheme was forward and back on the joystick moved forward and back but left and right on the stick turned the camera in that direction. The opposite movements were on the c buttons (strafe left and right and look up and down).
It was incredibly disorientating going from that to Turok which used the strafe on the c buttons and looking on the stick. It’s the same feeling I now get when I try to go back to Goldeneye now that the other orientation has been made universal.
On a side note, the goldeneye controls allowed for a unique way of moving around the map with circle strafing that you can’t really replicate in other games.
The details are too much to go into here in a simple comment. For a full investigation into Roblox check out this video by People Make Games, a games journalism site:
Essentially, Roox makes billions off the free labour of children. The entire eco system is set up to funnel kids into a cycle of consuming others content and producing their own. It’s also completely unregulated which has allowed some shady people, some of whom are, or directly work for, the owners of the platform to set up quasi developer studios where children are subjected to the same appealing treatment and exploitation of the regular games industry, while earning none of the revenue.
Big fan of Dead Rising but a second remake seems completely redundant. Especially since they’ve changed the voice actor of Frank, which absolutely didn’t need changing, and updated the graphics but left the very janky controls intact and the animations exactly the same?
Pointless cash grab. I’ll go back to my copy of the original any time I get the itch rather than reach for this.
Star Citizen has raised more money than the budgets of GTAV, Cyberpunk 2077 and Red Dead Redemption 2 COMBINED.
The only people defending it now are those so deep in the sunk cost fallacy they can’t get out.
Edit: the total budget for StarCitizen so far is equivalent to the nominal GDP in 2023 of Sao Tome & Principe
COD , GTA and Destiny 2 compatability was killed by the developers, not by Linux. VR (ignoring that it’s a gimmick which is going to die soon enough) works fine.