I’m playing it now, I haven’t noticed any serious glitches. Also, the game asked me to sign-in to the Playstation Network when I first started it up, I said “nope” and it hasn’t bothered me since.
Edit: Ok, scratch the part about not running into glitches. Just within the past five minutes the right trigger has stopped registering twice and I’ve had to restart the game to get it to come back.
“hu.ma.ne” … cuz meaningless dots are cool?
They bought the ma.ne domain, then created a hu subdomain, so it’s actually a web address, which is kind of cool. But then it just redirects to humane.com, so… yeah.
They’ve done that kind of thing before, throw in a notoriously failed game, but not as the headliner. The most obvious example I can think of is Gotham Knights.