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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Mar 16, 2024


They’ve done that kind of thing before, throw in a notoriously failed game, but not as the headliner. The most obvious example I can think of is Gotham Knights.

If you’re absolutely set on playing it I’d say there’s a fairly good chance it shows up in Humble Choice within the next year or so.

I recall hearing about another game that was killed by 24H2, but I can’t remember which one off the top of my head.

South Park: The Stick of Truth is a great RPG. You don’t have to be a South Park fan to enjoy it, but it certainly doesn’t hurt.

It’s replacing GeForce Experience. The nVidia Control Panel is still around.

It was in desktop mode, so maybe that makes a difference.

I got asked about the survey on both my desktop and Steam Deck.

I’m playing it now, I haven’t noticed any serious glitches. Also, the game asked me to sign-in to the Playstation Network when I first started it up, I said “nope” and it hasn’t bothered me since.

Edit: Ok, scratch the part about not running into glitches. Just within the past five minutes the right trigger has stopped registering twice and I’ve had to restart the game to get it to come back.

I was going to suggest CrossCode, it has some great characters. And while the game is balls-hard on default settings it has many adjustable options to bring it in line with whatever your skill level may be.

Mad Max - Your own personal Gollum!

Fun fact: Chumbucket has a bit part in Furiosa.

Roboquest is much closer to Gunfire Reborn than Borderlands.

When I played on PC the game looked good, but there were definitely places that could be improved. I recall facial animations looking a bit off. Not that I think a remaster is called for.

Definitely better than 5, but 6 is pretty good too.

Not just Classic Marathon Infinity, but Classic Marathon and Classic Marathon 2. All free.

Remember when Borderlands was just goofy fun about shooting crazy guns and not “save the universe” shit?

Epic never expected to make money on exclusives. They were using them as a loss-leader to force people to use their shitty store. Fortunately it looks like they’ve lost enough money to make them stop or at least cut back on their shenanigans.

I saw it, it wasn’t bad. So of course it was cancelled after the first season.

Yes, there’s a game called “New Tales From The Borderlands”. It’s generally regarded as pretty bad, and is in no way a worthy followup to the original.

After 3, Wonderlands, and New Tales I can’t say I’m particularly excited.

If they don’t license the theme song I’m boycotting.

But in the Wii and PS3’s case the hardware was included with the console itself. The Super Game Boy was a separate purchase.

The Super Game Boy was just a Game Boy in a different form factor, it did all the work. All the SNES did was provide inputs and output.

I got it through Humble Choice. Never played it though.

hu.ma.ne” … cuz meaningless dots are cool?

They bought the ma.ne domain, then created a hu subdomain, so it’s actually a web address, which is kind of cool. But then it just redirects to humane.com, so… yeah.

As specified in the article, season 4 is scheduled to release in January 2025.

Ah, I missed that part. Though it feels like they’re a bit too low on the face to be used comfortably.

From the picture I thought they might be mimicing the Deck’s touchpads, but I think those are just the speakers.