Their support will do nothing. My oldest daughter tried to play on her account after not playing on it for probably five years. She found out that she missed the conversion and we had to buy it again for her. Really sucks that they can just decide to do things like this. Should have unlimited time to convert- not log in and play on the old system but they could have kept a list of accounts at trivial cost.
Archmage Rises on Steam. It’s in Early Access so there are some parts that are rough especially since it has generations history and quests (go see SoAndSo in NewTown. How do I find NewTown? Ask SoAndSo, he knows the area. 🤪). But it’s fun and not as difficult as I was first afraid it was going to be.
The UI is decent but doesnt feel quite there yet: close button for shopping doesn’t feel like it’s on the correct place, font size for time of day is a bit to small for my 15 inch laptop screen at 1080p (not sure if changing resolution would help but non-native resolution on laptop never looks good IMHO).
I’m on my first character playthrough. It’s a perma death open world RPG that has a story to it. The story so far (I’m a few game months in) seems to wait for you but certain missions have time limits once you accept them.
The economy and the cost of things…seem weird. Not bad, but not like other games… And I’m fine with that. I like the ability to haggle with merchants when buying/selling(?) certain items.
Developing relationships give you little bonuses (according to the interface).
When attempting skill checks you get a d20 from that uses your bonuses. A 1 seems to always fail even when you get enough to pass by your bonus. I’d rather see the Pathfinder 2e system than the D&D d20 system when it comes to rolls so that there isn’t a guaranteed 5% chance to fail even an easy check but that’s not game breaking.
I definitely need to start away from gambling. I suck at it.
Content warning:
As an open life simulator, the finished game allows the player and NPCs to participate in a vast range of human experiences both bad and good, including: slavery, murder, cannibalism, sexual activity (non-graphic), pregnancy, and religious worship.
I did something similar. I also got the premium version of the PlayStation Plus. It was fun enough for awhile. I let that lapse and now my $40 Hell Divers 2 is useless. I forgot how much I hate consoles because of having to pay for multiplayer.