I bought myself into sf before you got a hangar, i only had that one person race ship and after a while they added a hangar where you could spawn and walk around it.
After a while i noticed loads of reviews so i tried playing it, but always ran into issues making it unplayable. So i got really fed up with it for a while.
Then a couple years later i could actually run it with some issues, ended up buying a better ship and i’m now basically waiting for it to release and computer parts to be affordable once again.
I would love for star citizen to be my jam, but i doubt i’ll ever be able to put enough time into it. The most i ever managed to do consistently was diablo 4 season 1 to 3 before i dropped it completely.
I think nfsu2, we got it for christmas and played it for 2 full days in a row.
But tbh i still remember my playlist (flyleaf - i’m so sick/ fully alive, hinder - wings of an angel, Marilyn Manson - the beautiful people, a perfect circle, Korn and a couple others) i used while playing wow for the first time when you could get to lvl30 within a certain trial period. Definitely been hooked for some time but never made it to lvl cap nor did i get sny good gear.
Skyrim gobbled up the most hours of any game.
But i think wow really offered the best escape of real life back then for me, which is my main drive for playing games.
Being able to do the right thing and actually getting rewarded for it is a thing that keeps me coming back to videk games.
Real life isn’t really like that most of the time. It will drain you completely, eat all your good intentions and shit you out the other end completely drained and empty handed.
I just buy whichever game i enjoy playing when it’s on sale only to never actually getting to play it.
Life is a matter of you either have the time, money or energy. But never all.
I have the money now but not the energy, i just pass out the moment i get home and playing games just gets postponed until i get time off.
I used to play one of those demo disc games where you get to fly an aircraft and do missiona, but back then i had bo clue what the mission was i was just happy being able to fly.
I never stopped playing games, i was always taught that you can’t pilot when you’re colorblind so i was convinced video games would allow me to do things real life would never let me.
Skyrim really caught me and after that cyberpunk took it’s place, i just love being rewarded for your work and getting to do cool shit with that money.
Real life barely feels like you’re being rewarded anymore imo.
I could actually have a normal conversation before without being called names, which you started doing and you’re getting upvoted for it too.
Which is proof this place has turned into Reddit.
I came here because there were people who would go: “hey man, you’re wrong here’s a link to more info” and i would read that and be more informed. Very mature and pleasant behaviour.
Don’t blame me for giving back what you gave me, i adjust myself to who’s in front of me.
Heck make them $250, i’m not buying them even at $70.
If a game is over $30 it needs to be damn good to get me to buy it.