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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


Ori is probably going to struggle a bit on a laptop

It would, but Steam only kind of enforces the rule. They seem to enforce the rule if there is a significant and constant history of pricing a game lower on another platform (eg Humble Bundle)

It’s a slow burn game. There is a plot, and the plot is really good, but it only becomes clear really late into the game. Instead of the plot, the primary driver of gameplay is learning. I see a lot of people approach the game as though the writings are just flavor text, or just a way to portray a clue to a puzzle. It’s really not. You’re supposed to seek out the writing because the writing itself scratches the itch of learning. The developers put an incredible amount of attention to the entire game, and paying close attention and thinking through the implications of the text will reveal the plot points and lore. Basically, you play for the knowledge, and then only later does it become clear that everything that you’ve been doing was actually advancing the plot. And you’d want to remember what you learned so that the plot makes sense

All this to say, there is a wrong way to play the game, and that is to treat the game like nothing more than something to be completed. If you’re feeling a bit lost, yeah, that’s kind of the point. You decide which thread is most interesting to you. All I will say is that any thread that you pull will eventually converge onto the plot, so feel free to pursue another thread if you get stuck or if you get bored of the current thread that you’re pursuing.

Also, remember that in space, there’s no friction, so however long it takes for you to speed up, that’s how long it takes for you to slow down.

If you gave it a genuine shot and it really just doesn’t click with you, then perhaps just watch a Let’s Play. I think it does eventually click with most people, but I acknowledge that some people just don’t like the weight of making truly unguided decisions like the game is expecting you to make

I really liked Porgy. I’m currently doing Divers but I honestly don’t really quite know what’s going on. There’s very few descriptions so I don’t really know what things do. I assume the colored icons next to items indicate some sort of elemental ability but I don’t know what they are or how they’re used

Microsoft keeps doing it, and I don’t expect they’ll do anything different this time. They’ll shove handheld UI into work laptops and piss off a ton of people, and then 5 years down the line they’ll tear out a lot of work that they did and leave behind some remnant bloat

Sounds like you might be into top-down roguelites. Enter the Gungeon, Binding of Isaac, and Nuclear Throne come to mind.

As for games that I would recommend because I just like them, I would recommend checking out Noita, which is a physics simulation/falling sands roguelite. It’s pretty hit-or-miss, but if you like tinkering, you might like it. I’m also pretty partial towards Crypt of the Necrodancer, which is a rhythm/full roguelike genre mash. The full roguelike nature of the game makes it harder to get into initially but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty fun

Might consider getting something that only plays well on keyboard/mouse. Factorio comes up off the top of my head. Shooters also generally translate poorly to controllers, so perhaps that?

Translation appears accurate, but misses the cultural element. In my admittedly limited experience, this is pretty par for the course for Chinese humor. Compared to Western humor, Chinese humor is more brash and abrasive, and almost boastful when viewed from an outside perspective. I can definitely envision someone receiving that sort of response as a joke (“What, you didn’t receive game of the year? Why did you even go?”). And it would certainly agree with my impression that he makes a lot of crude jokes on his social media that don’t translate well into English (see: the IGN article on how the developers are sexist). It can really be quite difficult for inexperienced people to determine what statements are humorous and what statements are earnest, since the difference is often really subtle, even when read in the original language.

I’m not necessarily defending him, since these sorts of jokes do have a nugget of honesty to them, but my read is that he plays them up for humor.

Devs made a video that confirmed that she went through the Trial of the Grasses (plus in some shots you can see her cat eyes).

I’m assuming that Yennefer helped somehow, given that she was able to keep Uma alive during his Trial.

But also, Ciri knows full magic, not just signs, because Yennefer and Triss taught her, AFAIK. So it seems to make sense that her combat magic is more advanced than standard witcher signs

Yeah, there are multiple endings based on arbitrary choices made in the some of the dialogues scattered throughout the game. In the “good” ending, Ciri wins and survives, and Geralt gifts her a silver sword, implying that she becomes a witcher

On the contrary, IME they significantly slowed down the early game, but they removed the early-mid-game dip right after you unlock fluids and oil processing

Due to the HL Alyx retcon, Epistle 3 could still be argued as an alternate timeline semi-canon story. At least, I think of it that way

Because the ones that we hear about are the ones that are good enough to have even made it out of Japan. If a game was bad, it wouldn’t be localized to an English-speaking audience, and we wouldn’t even know it exists.

It’s the same sort of thinking as asking why (insert media here) was better in the past. The answer is simple - good songs, games, movies, etc. tend to be more memorable, and so we remember the good ones and forget the bad ones. To put it briefly, there’s survivorship bias.

Braid. Sounds like a dress up game but it’s a puzzle platformers about time travel. I always have to explain it every time I talk about it

Regardless of the reason, the end result is still the same, which is that new users are left with the idea that terminal is essential for using Linux.

You can say that you set up a distro without using terminal all you want, but as long as new users don’t know how to do that, my point still stands. Frankly, the fact that you even thought to bring up that point feels like, to me, extra proof that experienced users are highly dismissive of the new user experience.

I mainly play indie titles, but actually zero times so far. Steam really does everything for you nowadays

As a recent Linux user, I can say that he’s got a point, but he’s making the wrong point. What I’ve learned is that technically, you don’t have to use terminal. But as a new user, you’re never made aware that there are non-terminals options. Every time you try installing a program or really doing anything, the first response on any article or forum is generally going to be to open up terminal and start typing. Linux is in a weird spot because the are so many desktop environments that the only way to make a tutorial that works on all distributions is to tell the user to use terminal. Yet by doing so, you are pushing away new users who will begin to think that Linux is too technical for normal use.

I see many experienced users dismiss new users’ concerns because “you don’t actually need terminal,” but I don’t think these people really understand that while that’s technically true, the new user experience has been constant tutorials and articles that basically state the exact opposite. I’m not sure what a good solution would be, but I do think that experienced users need to acknowledge that just because new users identify an incorrect problem, doesn’t mean that there isn’t a problem at all

I’m unsure what the game is supposed to be - is it just a collection of different versions of Tetris?

Strange, I seem to remember a 3rd GPU manufacturer, who competes with Nvidia and is significantly more entrenched in the GPU market space than Intel… I wonder what that could be…

I don’t particularly like the layout of libreoffice, but I find that onlyoffice works for me. Not as feature rich, I suspect, but it doesn’t disrupt my workflow due to how similar it is to Microsoft Office

Ori and the Blind Forest. Every song in the soundtrack is brilliant

Level1Tech did mention your exact issue as one of the common symptoms that would occur on degraded 13th/14th gen parts. It’s looking like it’s the CPU’s error, not the SSD

Not sure if you saw Level1Tech’s recent video on the topic, but he speculated that it could be the area connecting the cache to the cores, as that was apparently changed to accommodate for more cores in the 13th/14th gen parts. The change was speculated to have made the connection weaker and more prone to degradation, especially when the connection was expected to communicate with a lot of cores (hence why this occurs mainly on high core count parts)

Flying is definitely the first challenge that players tend to meet. Just use autopilot. You can cancel the autopilot mid-flight, and you absolutely should cancel the autopilot if you start to see that a planet is getting in your way. Most people just fly with the autopilot, and that’s really my biggest advice.

If you really insist on flying manual, don’t treat it like driving a car. Spaceships (both real and in-game) drift most of the time. You want to get up to speed (400 m/s is a good top speed most of the time) and then drift the rest of the way to your destination. Do you see the white dotted arrows coming out from the planet that you’re targeting? You want to get those arrows to be as short as possible. If the arrows are visible, that means you’re not lined up with the planet and you’ll miss the planet

That’s slightly untrue. The physics is in fact accurate. It’s just that the ship engine is so powerful that you can effectively ignore the gravity. If you’ve ever tried to land on the ___ _______, you’ll know that by far the easiest and safest way is to utilize orbital mechanics

Yeah, people tend to have that problem, especially if they’re treating it like driving a car. If you want to fly manual, never fly more than 400 m/s, because then you won’t have enough time to slow down.

My actual advice though is to just use autopilot. People seem to forget that you can cancel autopilot. If you start to see that there’s something getting in your way, cancel the autopilot and push the ship to the left or right (it’s easier to go around the planet than to slow down). Once you’re clear, resume autopilot.

I can kinda see both ways. I think both systems aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive - I think the old system works more intuitively for pipes with low volumes of fluid, and the new system works more intuitively for pipes that are full or near full.

I hope that the developers can mix the two systems, so that pipes function with the old system when pipes are empty or near empty, and it switches to the new system when pipes are full or near full

The screen size matters significantly. More specifically, what humans care about is pixel density. A 24 inch 1080p screen does not look the same as a 27 inch 1080p, which does not look the same as a 32 inch 1080p.

A 24 inch 1080p screen is perfectly fine. A 27 inch 1080p, you can start to see the pixels more clearly. A 32 inch 1080p IMO is unacceptably bad.

I would say the standard should be 1080p for 24 inch or under, 1440p for 24-27 inch, 4K for 27 inch or above

I personally run a 24 inch 1440p screen because I’m pretty picky with pixel density, and the monitor was relatively good deal.

Extremely disappointed. They had some very passionate people on the project and I was hoping that they’ll turn things around over the next several years.

Can’t say I’m for the idea of modding (I’ve done my time, and it was not worth the time and work), but I can’t say that I’m necessarily against it either. Feels like a debt I owe to the Lemmy community, somehow.

Anyways, if nobody else is willing, I might consider being a mod

Bought it when it came out! Great game. The antialiasing is really funky, though. There’s a lot of ghosting no matter what antialiasing option you use. I suspect it’s probably a software bug. It does kind of detract from the visual quality aspect of its marketing.

Regardless, I don’t think puzzles sell well in general - bit of a niche genre

Heaven’s Vault, Hardspace Shipbreaker, and both Subnautica games.

Heaven’s Vault is a puzzle game where you have to learn to translate an unknown language. Haven’t gotten too deep into the game yet, but I picked it up because I liked Chants of Sennaar, which has a similar premise. Chants is 25% off right now, so I think that’s a decent recommendation

Hardspace Shipbreaker is a casual game where you break down spaceships for parts. It seemed fun, and I wanted to have something casual to balance out my library, which currently has more intense games than I would like.

Subnautica is a survival game where you’re stuck on an ocean world. I’m honestly not too sure if I would like this one too much, since I’m not too much of a fan of survival games. It just seemed unique enough from the other survival games, and it had a decent deal, and it was in my wishlist for a while. So I acted a bit on impulse and bought both games (Subnautica and Subnautica Below Zero)

If it’s emotional you want, you can’t beat To the Moon and its sequel, Finding Paradise. They’re walking sims, but they’ve got great stories that’ll make you ugly cry

Haven’t played the game, but my understanding, based on reviews, was that the game looked exceptional even at low graphics. I’ve even seen a couple of comments saying that they really should have called the minimum setting as the mid setting, and the low as the high, etc.

Regarding being fancy, I personally think we’re reading a point of diminishing returns with graphics fidelity. GPU manufacturers have to make up increasingly contrived features to convince people to buy their GPU’s. I’m firmly in the boat of thinking raytracing isn’t worth the performance hit. And pathtracing? Wasting electricity. Instead of larger, bulkier GPU’s, I would much rather have generational improvements be measured by factors such as decreasing die size, cost, electrical efficiency, and software features. Anyways, my point is that I don’t really think you’ll be losing much by using high instead of ultra in any recent AAA game