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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Sorry, but i couldn’t reupload the picture on my instance

And my houshold 😁

Ther is for sure a 2.5k line powershell script from someone totally trustworthy which fixes this issue though

All you get is a base to work with, i have never had a working solution out of there. They tend to create commands and parameters which aren’t existing just because it would be logical, it works like a naive brain.

It is a glorified Google search and won’t replace any tech workers for quite some time, or never. I would compare it with a calculator for techies, if you have no idea what you’re doing you won’t get anything out of it.

I mean, they also freed me from my pain wanting to play that game, only with their shitty update, so i have to thank Blizzard.

Did they fucking recover deleted messages?

I can find every post after automatically editing and deleting them afterwards

Mastodon does exist though, i have a feeling other parts of the fediverse need more help

Yes, when good people leave, you know there is no problem.

Reminds me of Jeff Kaplan, everything went down the drain after that, and people called me negative thinking.

I didn’t say she didn’t do any of that, considering her story, it wasn’t just the workload, nothing to gain from an environment this toxic. If you have any legal grounds to stand on, use it.

I think it’s kinda weird there is not one proof of it happening yet, not a recording or anyone talking for or against it, we’ll see how things turn out.

True, but the scale is completely different, Madison worked there for years and Naomi Wu was just a random idiot.

I’m all for covering both sides and this needs to be addressed.

It’s the biggest tech outlet with major accusations, sure just ignore it.

But why post?

It is your duty to at least state how much work you already have and let the boss decide what to do.

I had a boss who acknowledged it and told me that it’s fine if i’m not too accurate for couple of things.

Not saying anything, burning out and just delivering shit work non-stop isn’t going to help either you or the employee, your job is to do your best and your boss has to figure out the rest.

Although i have to say i quit that job, because doing half-assed work is nothing which fulfills me.

Have you played OW before? I can’t imagine a hero which wasn’t OP on release, fuck that game and it’s P2W subscription

You poor soul, do you think they give one single fuck?

Blizzard is tone deaf, all they look at is the moneyflow

Sadly with much less extensions, i use it just to compile and flash my marlin 3D printer and every extension needed has to be set up manually, for some reason even then i can’t get it to work.

What’s even wilder than companies wanting this are the people who do it.

That must be it, all these companies are known to give not a single fuck about privacy.

This is like the discussion about how others were copying Apples corners, they are fucking round corners.

There is only so much you can design about an X, so no matter how they would design it, someone made that. You can find countless issues with Musk, but that’s just sad and desperate.

By supporting the very manufacture to blame for short support times? Qualcomm is the root of the problem.

They don’t provide the bloody drivers for newer Android versions.

Manufacturers can only provide security updates after 2 major updates.

Because they want to corner every price target.

You think the masses care about how long the devices are supported? This is a topic from back in the early days of Android.

Oh no, they made loads of money. I hate to quote spez the fuckwad: https://www.businessinsider.com/reddit-ceo-app-founders-apollo-riff-made-millions-using-api-2023-6?r=US&IR=T

No dev was talking against that, so i guess that point is correct.

Apollo made 500k a year alone from subscriptions, i have no clue what they’ve paid for the API prior though, but these guys are loaded.

This is the way, for every flashlight type of app, F-Droid or nothing. The Play Store is riddled with this easy malicious apps.