Getting familiar with mute or mute all options is the way to go. There’s always gonna be dirt throwing in matchmaking, so you have to adapt it to your liking. For me that means that if the first thing someone says in team chat or voice is a complaint or flame, they are not really worth my time or attention. They could have said hello, asked for help, but no they went straight for a basic emotional response. No thx. That has helped a lot for me in MM.
Too bad I have no idea how deadlock works so far , gonna be a lot of muting! 😅
I read some articles from 2020 that touched on the culture @ Game Science, but it doesn’t even really matter. It’s just the way they single out stuff that feels really put of touch, pretty (ignorant) boomer attitude. I’ve only heard the word “feminist propaganda” from folks who are misogynistic, it’s not something I associate with caring about inequality. Can you imagine being a woman influencer that got this message? I would think 3 times before partnering up with a party that gave me this dos and don’t list.
It’s probably something that can be attributed to cultural differences, but that doesn’t mean that much to me. You move in a culture, but you are still responsible for you actions and words.
Hahahaha, wow, what a bunch of wet noodles. If you don’t want negative discourse, maybe don’t be misogynistic. Or don’t publish your work in countries where free speech and personal freedoms are more abundant. No one is forcing you to publish here, so please keep your demands in your pants. Pffft, I was really interested in this game, now it’s such an easy pass!
Thanks, you are right! In most of the situations my friends are using it, they are laid back somewhere or docked with a controller on the couch. I have my wireless keyboard with mousepad in the living room, but they don’t 😊. It was never a big deal, but this extra info at a glance is useful for those times.
The PC I made before my current was my first SFF, and I had a lot of fun figuring out heat loads and what it means to build SFF. The Ryzen 7 3700x (65w) was just at the top of what my small Noctua CPU cooler could manage in the fractal node 202.
Then I got a steam deck and, holy heckers, that’s some efficient gaming. If you play docked, that would be the ultimate low power/low heat gaming device (handheld you are so close to the source of heat that it’s still hot in the summer) I think it draws 35w on peak load over time with 40w short burst max. For the whole package, incl screen! Captain Dozerman(Bill Hader) from B99 would have been proud. Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency!
I think the crucial part is natural fanbase growth… As a solo dev, your marketing budget is gonna be so extremely tiny, and releasing with 0 marketing is setting yourself up for disappointment so, it has got to come from somewhere. Maybe EA is not a necessity, but having a steam page is. Confidently typing this while not having a steam page to show for it, but you know what the Dutch say: the best captain is ashore (de beste stuurlui staan aan wal)
It’s gonna be extremely terrifying 😅
Adding to the other reply to this: You can get natural growth of fans and wishlists, you can get free media attention so your brand/gamename grows in popularity, you can receive enthusiasm from randoms about work you have been keeping to yourself for a while, which can help motivate. I mean I’m super hyped about my own videogame project, but having other people be hyped about it is very rewarding :-). I used to shun early access until they became 1.0, because I got burnt a couple times. But If the dev(s) are transparent and communication is ok, I don’t really care anymore for the same reason as this dev is pointing out: “It’s done when it’s done” is good enough in 95% of the cases for me.
Won’t you think of all that missed revenue because of IP misuse? It’s just as clear as with piracy: every unlawful download is 100% a sale the could have gotten, but didn’t . It’s simple geometry. We don’t need proof, because piracy bad. This IP misuse is just opening up the gate to further infringement, thus undermining their core business.
Next up:
Are you allowed to draw Super Mario from memory for your own personal joy? Find out how your own criminal history started all the way back in primary school.
Stop publishing IP if you hate remixes and the global culture engaging with it you egotistical sack of people haters @ Nintendo
I can’t even imagine how that backend must look, 🤣 I work 100% in GDscript, but it’s really cool to hear : “Yeah it’s about 30% GDscript and 70% C++”
Coming from Java, I personally love how signals work between classes. Friggin hated my getters and setters, and the way signals work in Godot is just like how my brain thinks about that problem, so very easy to use and understandable.
Well if there is no physical market they can point to that facilitates reselling your license(carrier?), they will need to support that digitally. So I believe it too!