I mean, yeah. It’s an industry that has a near-unlimited supply of starry-eyed fresh college grads to throw into the meat grinder, and the executives of these companies absolutely love to take advantage of that. Maybe if enough devs leave the industry they might finally have to start respecting the people who work for them out of necessity.
To be fair to Odyssey, I beat basically every member of the secret cabal through assassination. I specced heavy into crits and there’s effectively no baddie you can’t kill by sneakily killing their friends one by one and then walking up and stabbing them in the neck.
Honestly, I don’t think I found myself using the bow very much at all and had a lot of fun in the more brawl-y areas doing melee and focusing on perfect dodges.
And I don’t think I can remember a time the game crashed on me…
You absolutely can. My partner is in year 4. Any stress in stardew valley is self-imposed