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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


I wonder if my old GTX970 could even run this game in the first place.

The comments are full of FF7 Rebirth.

I personally liked the story but it was an okayish gaming experience for me. To me, the FinalFantasy games were always good story wrapped in an okay game. There’s no riddles, no puzzles, just exploration and perception.

I liked it, but not in the way I liked AstroBot or Pode.

I used my PS5 controller way more on Mac than on the console itself. It has been plug and play as well

Same. Yesterday I searched through Switch, PS5, GoG and Steam to find something to play during the holidays.

I think I’ll just track down the Wii game “The Last Story” I never got to play.

Super Switch, Switch Advance, Switcharoo… as long as it isn’t SwitchPLUS or reSwitch or even SwitchON… or Swiitch… or NewNintendoSwitch…

Please take my perfect with a saltmine of salt. I meant it as a way of experience, usability. My OLED is a total asshat that gets warm and turns off while in stand by for no real reason. For this I sold my release day switch.

Okay my thesis on this:

Nintendo perfected the Handheld gaming console with the switch.

This thing is the first time ever that Nintendo upgraded an existing home console.

I hope they don’t fuck up the naming

That ending really left an impact on me. There was just something about it, having spent so many hours, seeing that ending made me just go wow

It took me skyrim and running through a techno hello kitty cave as super Mario wielding a lightsaber* to realize that modding is actually cool and that I hate that I can’t easily mod my console games.

Tap for spoiler

*I actually just installed a lot of sex mods

As long as they don’t ask me to break my Duolingo streak it’s all good. I‘m scared of that owl

I buy most of my games used for cheaper than sales

Kingdom Hearts would be one, FF9 another one, I think you could count NieR automata as well

If I would be any less vague, it would be like “when Luke found out he kissed his sister shortly before facing his father for the final time”

I didn’t watch the video and probably never will, simply because I’ve watched too many and I hate that topic so much I spend the time I used to watch YouTube now on playing games.

I have played a particular western made game for the first time and finished it about a week ago. Without spoilering the massive thing that happens, I try to be as generic as possible: I have not played a single western made game in the last 5 years where the hero physically saves a girl, only to be saved by her emotionally.

Sorry! My bad! PS4 it is!

It’s because of the TFLOPs. For anyone interested: PS4 1.8 | PS4pro 4.2 | Switch docked 0.4, handheld 0.25 | iPhone X 0.3 | iPhone 11 0.5 | iPhone 15 1.3 | iPhone 15 pro 1.8 | Galaxy S23 1.3 | Galaxy S23 1.3 | S24 Ultra 1.4 | Pixel 8 1.2 | Oneplus 11 1.3 | PS5 10.2 | PS5pro 33.2 | RTX 4090 PC 83 | M2 Ultra 60 | M1 Air 2.6 | M3 Air 4.1

I know it’s probably overkill lol

Idonno… the switch itself has hardware comparable to the iPhone 7. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra has graphic capabilities to display PS5 graphics (and not a single game that uses that). If we get 2 year old hardware, it’s good enough imho.

Idk where, but some commenter once said “Ubisoft saw the success of FarCry3 and, since then, every game they released has been made into a FarCry3 clone”

The last Ubisoft game I bought was Mario&Rabbids - Kingdom Battle it was amazing! I skipped part 2 because the jokes switched from “what’s being done” to “what‘s being said” and, playing in German, 80% of word-plays do not work when translated. So it was just another strategy game to me. Glad I borrowed it from a friend.

Sorry for the late answer!

The slim uses 300 W, the normal one 350W.

Why? - They simply redesigned the motherboard (to make it smaller and more efficient, produces less heat), they used a 6nm chip instead of a 7nm chip (same power, but less heat generated), they oped for a more passive cooling solution.

This is the correctest answer. I know sooo many people who still got their PS4 and refuse to buy a PS5 for 1 or 2 games they are interested in.

No. They have 1 model with 2 cases. They use the same internal components, but the slim has a more compact cooling solution.

Only difference specs-wise is that the Slim has a ~1 TB SSD compared to the ~850 GB SSD

Except for the capture mechanic working similar, which hopefully was not just copy-pasted, the gameplay is completely different. Palworld plays like Arc x Fortnite, while Pokémon plays like Final Fantasy.

And the general design-inspiration itself shouldn’t be an issue. Because I don’t think “style” can be copyrighted

I‘m on spur side with the Far Cry games. They feel like checklists to complete rather than good games. FC3 and Blood Dragon were the only ones I truly enjoyed, and FC4 being the only other one I even finished. Albeit I finished it within. An hour because I actually did nothing until that dude come back lol

Borderlands2 was pretty good imo. Played it with friends and found the dialogues funny and Handsome Jack was a good antagonist, just like Vaas from FarCry3.

Borderlands3 was just bad imo, it focused on the wrong aspects and elevated other things to appeal to younger audiences. I mean, the only reason for the bad guys to be bad guys was that they were bad guys, not someone who saw himself as a snobby hero and you as the bad guys he needs to stop.

I’ll definitely wait this one out until epic gives it away for free.

To further flesh out your comment:

I recently played a small game called “Ever Forward” on the Nintendo switch. Nowhere it says that the game runs like a PowerPoint presentation. Other than that, it would be helpful if I would have read a review that said “the beautiful world you see in the trailer and screenshots is the ‘hub’ where you enter boring looking levels. The puzzles consist of 2-3 cameras that react to sound and a cube you can throw and that you need to carry to the end of each short puzzle.”

May I Quote a reddit comment from back in the days:

[Koteric, 9y ago] I was about to say give them a break, but then I remembered this isn’t the early 90’s and there is no fathomable reason for a company to not backup their servers other than they don’t give a shit about their product or their customers.

Totally, I’ve enjoyed so many <20h games but only so few >40h games

It took monolith 6 years (after the release of XC2 and they had built the engine and assets) to release 2 games and 2 DLC with massive worlds and stories, and Square can’t even make a game half of the world size.

This just makes me angry. You need to write comments and get likes before you’re able to make posts. Most of the posts in that community could pass as boomer-Facebook-posts from what I’ve seen. The quality definitely went more downhill than Tony Hawk‘s Downhill Jam. But I’ll post my question here: what’s your pre-apocalypse game gems?