Scientist, Drummer, Dog Owner person.
Newsblur right now. I don’t want ads, and I like the f-droid disabled the intrusive options from the playstore.
Any other reader recs? Not married to it by any means, I like it well enough. I don’t like that I can’t browse by folder or by everything without a premium subscription though. $99/year is extreme for my uses, wish there was a more palatable option for intermediate users. Still, it’s easy enough to jump between topics.
7 pro is my favorite phone ove ever owned, finally unseating the v30 which was criminally underrated at the time. I wish there was something better that wasn’t made by Google, but I have always been disappointed with my Samsung devices (Galaxy Note OG, Galaxy s7edge, S9). I felt trapped by them and they always had SO MUCH BLOAT. The s7 was the best of the bunch. I’ve had about as many pixels (2pro, 3pro, 6, 7 pro). They’ve all gotten better with each iteration, but I saw no reason to even consider a pixel 4 or 5. 6 was a huge step up but had some build quality issues. Overall I liked the design choices. I would still have my six but I was having a battery issue that couldn’t be fixed so they let me trade it in and shaved $100 off the 7pro for me in lieu of doing an RMA that late into the life cycle. 7 pro is excellent. I won’t be getting a new phone until this one is dead.
I’m just counting the days until Boost for Lemmy releases but I feel you. The UI of infinity is very nice, and the feature customization is solid. I’ve been comparing all new apps to connect since I found it, and it’s still the one I keep coming back to. It has less polish but it checks all the feature boxes for me! Infinity is the only other app I’ve added to my home screen though, I could see it worming it’s way in.
Damn voyager, sync, infinity all within like 24 hours of each other!
Never heard of voyager previously but I’ll give it a shot! Liking infinity a lot too. Both your apps should copy connects feature of blocking users and instances right from the post. It’s super handy, especially when you realize someone is spamming, just give them the ol block and forget about it.
Same. I’m not a fan of the Jrpg genre typically but I tried it because it was included on PS plus for a while and had stellar reviews. On top of all your very valid complaints that I agree with, the pacing is just abysmal. At one point you literally see a long cut scene, do nothing but walk down a street, see another one. Then go down another street and turn left and the you guessed it, cut scene that goes into a SECOND cutscene.
I get that people like it/that style of game, and I’m happy they enjoy them but it’s definitely not for me.
This is honestly one where I get both sides of the argument. On the one hand, some of what was in the game doesn’t really fly as happily as it did when the game release. It’s honestly probably a good thing overall that things like forced sexualization and racial exploitation, to name only a couple quoted in the article, are more taboo and not as easily accepted now. I can also understand the desire to want to distance yourself from that as a dev team.
On the other hand, this is also an example of a product that people paid for, have used for a decade and should be theirs to decide how to use, being changed after the fact without their say or consent. That’s a bait and switch long con, and regardless of what was removed, it should be up to the purchaser of that gets implemented.
Probably not entirely your wheelhouse but have you considered coop turned based strategy games (or just turn based in general)? Something like Divinity 2 requires strategy and planning, especially on higher difficulties, but they are entirely turn based and can be played in real time in co-op. Alternatively, games like Disciples Liberation which centers around tactocul turn based combat can be absolutely brutal on high difficulty.
Thanks, I’m downloading it now!