Stay Spooky, Embrace Justice himself!

Relevant for all the power tripping “leftists” on lemmy: https://youtu.be/3ToEvz-7trY

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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Oct 09, 2024


Yeah most reviews from today are with the test version and good reviews state that they where patched daily and that a major patch comes out on release day. Its probability running well now.

According to tests its currently pretty buggy, but its following Stalker 1 regarding that XD

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I don’t give a fuck about if its bullying or not, it causes unnecessary completely avoidable and useless bad publicly for left people and LGBT as well.

Why do people need to be toxic? It could have just been a funny cosmetic like a Vanilla ice cone on the head or something, but no, it needs to be done in a disruptive and disrespectful way.

So you put “straight people” wanting a Cosmetic item to mark them as straight on the same level of Nazis that killed millions of people. I respect the trolling.

Most Gen Z LGBT are bisexual

So being bisexual is ‘normal’ then, is it? Does that make you abnormal?

No, you seem to still not get the point. BTW, big EW for assuming my sexuality.

I say its a interesting change when put into the context of the Internet “LGBT” people being toxic and don’t listen to anyone not LGBT many do identify as bisexual wich in return makes actually Bisexual people looked down upon by LGBT people

I’m bi and have never experienced that, nor has anyone bi that I know, but I also have to ask… do you know what the ‘B’ in ‘LGBT’ stands for?

Yeah shure. Inform yourself. https://metro.co.uk/2021/05/17/as-a-bisexual-i-face-prejudice-from-the-lesbian-community-14577723/

into the context of the Internet “LGBT” people being toxic and don’t listen to anyone not LGBT

The invented context of what? How do ‘LGBT people not listen to anyone not LGBT’? For what? What the hell are you talking about? Is this a ‘Gay Agenda’ thing?

Yeah that’s just Ad hominem against me.

Most Gen Z LGBT are bisexual, I’m not saying that it can’t be, I say its a interesting change when put into the context of the Internet “LGBT” people being toxic and don’t listen to anyone not LGBT many do identify as bisexual wich in return makes actually Bisexual people looked down upon by LGBT people

Wich is literally what this entire post is about, being toxic and disrespectful to each other.

Oh and I didn’t come up with the definitions, they exist and I’m using them to prove my point, like such things are intended to be used

Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical. “normal room temperature; one’s normal weight; normal diplomatic relations.”

What is a standard by your definition? What is a pattern? A norm? How are they defined?

Normal is a statistical analysis, 7% isn’t a insignificant portion of society, but also not average. Its not “normal” in that sense, it should be normal in a social sense as in accepted by the normal person.

And? When your players want a cosmetic item just give it to them. Its not petty to want a cosmetic item.

I don’t understand this. Why not just give a normal priced thing to them? I don’t think this is very nice and I don’t think its ok. Could have just leave it out as well but wtf.

I think its not even US but Nintendo lobbies so massively that they can uphold Japanese copyright Circus in other countries.

In all sane countries its not possible to parent or copyright a idea or concept just a processes of doing something.

Its so fucked up that Nintendo allegedly owns copyright to CONCEPTS hope they loose it.

Yeah a setting change like that was very risky, but the next is also going to be very interesting going into the opposid direction.

I quite like SciFi so the setting itself wasn’t a problem for me. 1800 goes into the steampunk direction, would appreciate a full on Steampunk Anno. And a Dieselpunk version would be cool as well.

HM… Yeah thats Bad publicity.

But that never happened to me, and I played both games for over 200 hours each. I even played them on Linux through emulation and it didn’t happen.