It was a shock to me when briefly changing industry to gaming/e-sports. When I asked about collective agreement during the interview I was met with “Oh no, we don’t need that here. We have so many other benefits”. Should have recognised that as the red flag that it is.
I don’t give a fuck about cheaper gym memberships or good deals on furniture compared to collective bargaining.
It’s sad that Japanese developers (and Japanese people in general) have no idea what is going on in the outside world, and are therefore always 10-20 years behind societal development. I remember going there when Pasmo (rechargeable card instead of buying ticket stubs from machines for the subway) was relatively new and having a very proud Japanese person explain to me that Japan was the most convenient place in the world to live because of this. This was in 2011. Fuckers still go to 7/11 to pay their bills.
Star Citizen has paid for itself in good relaxing times space trucking or mining after work with a couple of beers. This dude should probably have his computer checked by someone who knows what they’re doing. My guess would be bitcoin miner running in the background or SSD filled up with furry porn.
Marcus Persson left Mojang in 2014. Qanon wasn’t a thing (even as a 4chan meme) back then. He began to spiral back in 2016, which I can’t say I blame him for. A history of mental illness combined with unlimited money and moving countries while being heralded as a god of video games in the media would fuck anyone of us up I think.
Of course it is. I bought a product I can no longer use without signing away privacy after the fact. Not that I’ve played Minecraft in the last 10 years but still.
It’s a shame Minecraft got bought and put on the windows store and mobile. For a while there kids actually learned what java was and had to move files around to install mods and skins. Now they’re all computer illiterate again.
Looks terrible.