That’s the major issue with AAA these day. Making game is gambling, you gonna spend all those millions for 3 to 5 years making the thing you think is good, only turn out to be underwhelming or a flop. Publisher is very weary about all these risk so they put their money on safe bet, which left us with bland games.
Actually that’s the major issue with game development, even indie. What we see is the success, there’s a tons of game that tried to be innovative and creative but failed.
Factorio: 396
Fallout 4: 384
DS3: 250
Ror2: 191
Ds2: 188
Skyrim: 185
Stardew: 162
Terraria: 156
Monhunt W: 154
The one that i enjoy so much but with oddly low playtime:
Dying Light: 109
Subnautica: 102
Prey: 78
Outside of Steam but i couldn’t remember exact amount of time i spend in:
Monhunt 4U: 200 ~ 250
I’m surprised i spend so much time on ds3, it’s not open world, it’s not endless, it’s not rogue-like, but still spend more time playing it than dying light.
Monhunt W would be higher if not for the update that make my hardware unable to run it.
Idk, is it really that surprising people who work in the industry trying to help others facing the layoff? Imo it’s irrelevant where he work, what’s important here is he went out of his way to help others without much benefit for himself. People who latched on that fact or that addressing this issue in Games Award is “hypocritical” really need to go outside and touch some grass.
Kirby Superstar: Milky Way Wishes. Ohh you think it’s a game about pink ball stopping the sun and moon from fighting? NOPE, here’s a jester with power of god.
Pokemon. Technically you don’t end with fighting god but somewhere you’re fighting a pokemon that’s basically god of something.
Also does Hades count lol.
“Take to the streets, destroy whatever you want, find cool new weapons and resources, and rescue NPCs to take back to your Hometown, a living centralized hub,” Ruckus said in today’s announcement. “Here you can customize, build, and upgrade over time allowing you to enhance your weapons and abilities to head out even stronger for another round of chaotic fun.”
Sounds more like openworld survivor than multiplayer shooter
Yeah same. I haven’t been feeling the hype after World, Iceborne, Rise, and Wild doesn’t have that umph i feel from watching World reveal trailer, mostly indifferent. But I guess it has more to do with me lacking the enthusiasm toward game like i used to than the game itself, and the lack of regional pricing turn me into patient gamer.
Can’t wait for this scene to happen.
I hate SuperGiant’s naming scheme. Bastion? Transistor? Pyre(i couldn’t even remember this one)?? Hades??? Cmon man, your company isn’t called Giant but SuperGiant, make it stand out as your company’s name!
Also VVVVVV. No one will notice this game if it come out today. Prey(2017) is the prime example of this.
Orc Must Die 3. Now i’ve finished the main campaign and moving on to the second one, is there any other game similar to this? Dungeon Defender is so slow.