I really only bought Returnal and Stellar Blade on PS5, and they’re both either on or coming to PC anyway.
OK, I also bought Elden Ring and Final Fantasy 16, but of course ER is already on PC and FF16 is also coming to PC. (Do not buy FF16, it is a terribly shallow RPG and also terribly shallow action game with terribly shallow characters)
I was so excited about the potential of the PS5 hardware, yet here we are and I’ve only really bought 2 games really made for it: Returnal and Stellar Blade. In the same timeframe I’ve also bought and played at least a dozen bangers on my Steam Deck, some of those being new releases like Hi-Fi Rush that the Deck could play flawlessly. AAA is an albatross.
You’re right, my reply was rude and unhelpful. I don’t really understand the confusion because I wasn’t confused and I didn’t pay attention to the remakes until I decided to try Remake specifically after being immensely disappointed by XVI. Apparently this confusion is wider spread than I thought and at any rate I could’ve been nicer about it.
It isn’t complicated if you try to use your brain. The one that came out first is literally called Remake so yeah it’s a remake of the original. Thus, playing the original is optional. As for what order to play them in, you play the one that came out first, then you play the one that came out second, how is that so puzzling? I’ll grant that the “Intergrade” thing isn’t obvious from the name, but a glance at the product description would tell you that it’s Remake with some additional, optional content.
I apologize for the aggressive tone of this reply. I wasn’t personally confused by the remake games, speaking as someone who didn’t really pay attention to them at all when they came out because I had played the original and didn’t see the appeal in revisiting it. However, I shouldn’t have been so rude in expressing that.
There’s a candy you can use to reduce posture damage so you can start out just holding block instead of trying to parry. That can make learning attacks and timings much easier.
Almost every mini boss can be backstabbed
Most can be made much easier with the right prosthetic tool
Consider giving it another shot someday!
As an owner of every PlayStation console since the PS1, I am unhappy with the selection of PS5 games this late in the lifespan of the console. So unhappy that for the first time ever, I consider it unlikely that I will want to buy the next generation console. I’ve played more new releases on my Steam Deck since its release than I have on the PS5 since its release. And that’s coming from someone with a full-time job and a family. I count myself lucky if I can play an hour a day, and the PS5’s game release schedule was too sparse for me.