I’d never played TLOU before, but was recently looking for something new to play and heard great things about it. My parents watched the show and loved it, so I decided to give it a shot. It took me a little bit to get into, but once I did I got hooked hard. I beat the game and then went on to watch the show with my wife, she loved it and now wants to watch me play Part II. Unfortunately that means I can only play it when she’s around, and given we both work shift work, means it might take me a long time to beat Part II, but it’s incredible so far. I’m not too far into it yet though so no spoilers for Part II please.
What does this community think of this game? I know it was very well received, I’m just curious how patientgamers feel towards it. Also, how did people like the show? I thought it was great but I’ve heard some people found it boring. I prefer the game but was very impressed with the show as well. I’m looking forward to season 2
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it’s price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don’t meet the system requirements, or just haven’t had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
It’s been my favorite story driven game franchise for many years
And I hope you enjoy Part 2. I loved it almost as much as the original, but it does NOT pull any punches narratively speaking so just be prepared to be challenged. It was controversial when it came out for several reasons (some valid, some not)
Masterpiece. Both parts. One of few games I give 10/10.
Part II is really polarizing in the community, but I personally loved it more than the first. However, I found it to be far more depressing. YMMV, but it’s worth keeping in mind that you’ll want to be emotionally prepared going into it.
I enjoyed the game, especially the winter section. I’ve had part 2 since release but haven’t played it yet. Kinda forgot about it so thanks for bringing it up. Maybe I’ll end my patience and play it.
TLOU has some of the most satisfying gameplay I have ever experienced. I have to wait a while between playthroughs, because it’s almost like playing a movie. But it’s so much more than a walking sim. The stealth segments kept me incredibly engaged, and looting for craftable materials is addictive in that game. I got to play the DLC, Left Behind, for the first time recently as well, and it was spectacular.
As far as linear, story-based games go, it’s among the best.
Story good, game play is decent. I liked it. I didn’t like 2 though, the gameplay didn’t really improve and the story was kinda boring and very obviously manipulative.
I love these games but I jokingly called part 2 a depression simulator. It’s intensely emotional at points and lingered in my thoughts after finishing it. It’s an incredible piece of storytelling and art.
I just couldn’t get into part 2 and dropped it after the Joel scene. It just felt so over the top in trying to be depressing and I didn’t feel like slogging through a game that would twist the narrative just for the shock value.
Part one had moments of “everything that can go wrong will go wrong”, but part 2 felt like it jumped the shark (which felt more validated after reading the synopsis online).
I disagree with part 2 “jumping the shark”. The first game starts out with
Tap for spoiler
Joel’s daughter being killed
which was much more “twist the narrative just for shock value”. The game itself is an enjoyable playthrough, it’s just a depressing story. Joel deserved what he got.
People dying at the start of a zombie apocalypse is standard fair at this point. Finding someone in a post apocalyptic world based only on their name years later in a world where everyone is just barely surviving was a bit ridiculous.
It felt a bit like the inverse of Game of Thrones (where it felt like anyone could die), the second part decided this person must die.
If you had played the rest, the explanation for how they found him is pretty plausible.
i really loved both games and the show so far. top notch stuff. i haven’t actually played part 2 yet, but i watched my partner play through the whole thing, which pretty much counts. idk if i’ve ever known a game that’s quite so, idk, cinematic. anyways, looking forward to whenever season 2 drops.
A really great game, only bested by the second one.
I played it a few times on ps3, then once on the PS4. I got my PS5 with the remake but I sold the game as it didn’t need a remake since nothing about it was old.
The Last of Us was one of the most disappointing and dull games I’ve every played. Over-hype definitely didn’t help, but it looked brown and dreary, seemed to mainly involve walking around waiting for press X to do thing to appear on screen, and threw plot at me when I actually wanted to play a game.
loved everything about both games! the sequel is LONG, so it might take you a while. but it tells a great story :)
my only tiny gameplay gripe is the same gripe i had with god of war: ragnarok. if you’ve played both, you know what i mean. but that’s crawling into spoiler territory. also running around looking for resources gets a little tiring sometimes. enjoy your playthrough!
I’ve wanted to play since I finished the show’s first season! I’ve heard mixed things about the PC port, so I’m curious to try it.
People forget how revolutionary TLOU is. It aged incredibly well (yes, the PS3 version, not just the remaster) and set a golden standard of cinematic games. The story is incredible, the survival horror gameplay is still legitimately good.
Lots of people in the comments are praising the sequel but I didn’t like it at all. It was totally unnecessary and the new characters are so melodramatic. The first one’s ambiguous ending was perfect.
Also, hot take, the series is way worse than the game. They filled the story with fluff and flashbacks which ruined the pacing, and got rid of the incredible cold opening for 10-15 minutes of sarah running around.
I reviewed it when it came out, I thought it was fine, but the strength is more in the story telling of the cutscenes than the actual game play.
The game itself is pretty repetitive and once you get a feel for it, it’s actually a little dull.
Levels are either a) in daylight or b) in the dark, and either c) against the infected or d) against militia groups.
So if your currently playing in the daylight against militia groups, the next level will be in the dark vs. infected, and then it alternates.
The story is top notch though.
For me the production was unlike anything I had seen to that point. Just incredible. Gameplay, however, did little for me. Perfect game to watch someone else play in my book