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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jan 16, 2024


I really liked 12s gambit system. It was really fun.

Story good, game play is decent. I liked it. I didn’t like 2 though, the gameplay didn’t really improve and the story was kinda boring and very obviously manipulative.

I was already not playing AAA, if only because of MTX. I’ve been playing games like Mullet Madjack lately.

Donald. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500

(Hint, we already know who works where, via LinkedIn.)

Easy there, I’m already planning on not buying it, just like I’m sure plenty of others are planning not to. Just need to get the word out that the company isn’t one to buy from.

With any luck, it’ll be the next Veilguard.

Being left wing is not wrong, just like being right wing isn’t wrong. Further more, nothing wrong with customers being more informed about the company they’re buying from.

What, are you upset that the multinational corporation might lose out on a few sales?

I’d agree that most of the world building in SF was better, but the unity just destroyed everything. It made it so everything you did, did not matter.

You aren’t wrong, but it’s better than starfield.

I don’t think I even use 10 apps, I use like 3 of them

  1. Jerboa for Lemmy
  2. Firefox w/ unlock origin
  3. WriterP for note taking
  4. Message/Gmail/other system apps

All they have to do is look at the demographics of who applied and who got hired, and if there’s a statistical discrepancy, bada bing bada boom, you got a fine.

The Ubisoft monetization director has the gall to call others non-decent humans? Now that’s newsworthy.

That’s called consequences for your actions, and it’s usually viewed as a good thing

I frankly can’t remember anything from what I played in Starfield

I remember not being able to arrest Ron hope despite having a non-lethal weapon and a brig

Like come on, that was obviously the good ending. Why not implement it?

I liked Outer Worlds, I found it pretty good, if a little one note in its writing.

Scale? It’s plenty big, but there’s not a lot of good content in it. Quantity vs quality.

Artistic vision. There’s something there, but it wasn’t realized.

Gear progression is bubkis, they have this weird rarity system that makes no sense and makes it feel awful.

I didn’t play it, but who did?

It was generic and sterilized apparently. It ran fine, had no mtx, but had a 40 dollar price tag, had no big issues.

It just has no hook, no gimmick or anything. It was just boring.

Look up the min requirements. Look at what it tells you.

I really liked Mad Max and Days Gone where the focus was upgrading your one vehicle. I really wish there was more out there like it, but Im unaware of any.

Its been 2 months, we still dont have Fallout London. I was so excited too. Fuck him and his lies

Its mentioned in the article, but it bears repeating.

They force give you the first quest of a questline for free, and then charge you seven bucks for the second 15 minute quest.

Its also not complete, its an early access paid mod where they clearly cut content out of the game just to give you the first hit of a faction questline, end that first quest on a cliff hanger, and then charge 7 bucks per quest. And before this, the faction was just a series of kiosks giving radiant quests.

For every country they expand to, they need a legal expert for that country. It gets expensive quick, and sometimes you just dont expect enough return for the investment.

Tbh, I can see that. I hop in CS and its political, but I play it for escapism.

If the player doesnt know the choice exists, and has reason to think the choice doesnt exist, then the choice is kinda moot, isnt it? In any case, my original point was a lot of complaints were really about bad writing.

People did experiment, in the first scene with the wp. That experiment told them that the game would force you to make evil decisions to continue playing. I saw that narratively there was a good option, but the game told me that that option wasnt available in the WP scene.

They might not be missing the message. Its reasonable to think “this is just the writers opinion, it wouldnt work out this way irl”