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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


No, I mean that if lots of developers are using Denuvo wrong, it’s Denuvo’s fault for being too difficult to use correctly or not providing enough support to developers.

Even if it’s the developers using it wrong, if lots of developers are doing that then it’s a fault with Denuvo.

If one car hits something, it’s a problem with that car. If lots of cars keep hitting something, it’s a problem with the road.

Okay, but if lots of games are doing it wrong, it’s still Denuvo’s fault.

The thread is great.

Tentacles dropped out of the top 25 for the first time. Times are a changin


Just because you really enjoy golf doesn’t mean you want every movie to have a half-assed awkward golf game stuffed into it.

Struggling with a tough foe? Remember, just keep your Health above 0 while lowering your enemy’s Health to 0. Works every time!

- World of Warcraft loading screen

Obligatory reminder that the Third-of-a-Pound burger failed because people thought it was smaller than a Quarter Pounder, since it had a three in it instead of a four.

For games that aren’t fast moving, you don’t need 240fps in the first place.

I played an MMO at 40 FPS for years. With a freesync screen that matches the frame rate instead of stuttering or tearing, it still feels fine.

Why won’t the government just give them the money and trust that they’ll do what they said? It worked out great paying companies to roll out fiber years ago, that’s why we’re all on reliable, high speed fiber internet today.

The free trial isn’t a business model. It’s a demo.

You only have a F2P model after you add the aggressive monetisation.

Okay, but if they packed it full of microtransactions and premium currency, it’d be a worse game.

Unless you mean you just want the publisher to make less money, which isn’t an option they’re going to be interested in.

Whatever compromise anyone tries to come up with will be ignored and exploited as hard as advertisers possibly can.

A compromise that actually works would depend on advertisers actually complying. The advertisers that do will be vastly outnumbered by the advertisers that don’t.

So we’re getting the arms race either way.

I’m not interested in my computer striking a balance between my needs and the needs of people seeking to manipulate me into buying things.

I paid for my computer, it serves my needs. Yes I do run Linux, how did you guess?

If you still have your job, you can start on Factorio mods.

People are playing it on Steam Deck. Handhelds might not be viable for high end raiding, but there’s a lot more to the game than that.

That’s kind of why I switched. I was spending time and effort trying to force Windows to obey, I decided I might as well spend that time on an OS that wasn’t actively fighting against me.

They’ve done new lighting and stuff like DLSS that applies to the entire game, and they’ve also done a bunch of new textures and art assets for some of the game.

You joke, but I did a ten year old dungeon earlier today and the group talked about how much more colorful it was.


DeArrow is an open source browser extension for crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube. The goal is to make titles accurate and reduce sensationalism. No more arrows, ridiculous faces, and no more clickbait.

Headline is dumb. If capacitors are better at being batteries than batteries are, they just become the next generation of batteries.

It also calls all the customers who don’t want to be locked out of the product they paid for ‘fickle’ and brought up gamergate out of nowhere, so I’m honestly not sure what sort of agenda they’re pushing.

This. Removing the $200 Android tablet from the dash isn’t going to make cars suddenly $5,000 cheaper.

That many hours spent to pull a stunt like that. And I thought people who played healers in MMORPGs were powered by hate.

I think we’re going to see major NPCs get their dialog hand-written and background characters get AI dialog.

You could have random shopkeepers ramble on for hours about how their kids are doing in school or trouble they’re having with a delivery company or whatever topic. Nobody’s going to write that, but we could AI generate it.

If only there was some way to take that link to the article and use it to find out what the article says.

Well, we’ve now got Steam Deck turning your portable console into a full PC, just connect a keyboard. Also no need to buy a Steam Deck version of that game you bought on Steam ten years ago, it’s already there and probably runs great.

It might be that proprietary, single purpose gaming portables are going to lose to more flexible portables even if smartphones are too limited to do the job.

On the Linux side, you get people installing debug builds of drivers, bisecting to identify which commit broke something, doing apitraces, capturing crash dumps and opening bug reports to submit that stuff to driver devs.

You don’t really get that sort of thing on Windows, so the drivers try to do it through telemetry. It’s how the devs know which games or hardware configs are crashing and need fixes.

having a community help you with your games and find bugs is beautiful and probably pretty fucking cool for devs.

That’s all well and fine for free open source projects, but products that expect me to pay money for them need to pay contributors. I’m not donating my time and effort so that some shareholder can buy another yacht.

Also, Intel are going pretty hard with driver updates and fixes. I’m really hoping they make it, we need more competition.

The main issue is probably nobody works with Intel to do any testing before launch.