Windows 11 is shit and you’d be much happier with Fedora. You don’t need a nrćew computer, just install it on this one. That said, you can move the start button to the left and even install if you force yourself to try sticking with Windows
I thought it was going to be mediocre at best.
I fully expect it to be a mediocre shooter with some good environmental puzzles and nice graphics, Starfield had 85+/100 reviews before coming out. We’ll find out once it actually releases, in two years with all of the hypothetical DLC included for 15€. Bethesda can fuck right off with their 50€ offerings.
They also don’t have enough games for their last generation to justify a new console, it’s a lot of work populating a library and their ex-exclusives are now playable on Deck. Which, even if it didn’t have thousands of games out of the gate, would actually be a cool mobile PC with guaranteed Linux drivers.
Nostalgia edition is a sure sign it’s bleeding players and they obviously have no idea how to replicate that success with fresh gameplay under a fresh name. It would be of immense help for Epic if their store took off (it even has cart now), but they destroyed a lot more goodwill with exclusives than they got with freebies. I hate-claimed 300+ games for free, never install anything from there and still wouldn’t pay for an exclusive. Even if I didn’t hate EGS I would never buy a game unless it’s been out for a few years and is deeply discounted. Good luck, Epic, you’ll need it, you overextended yourself and it’s downhill from here.
Technically very good, looks like a good use of engine and art direction. However, as an extraction shooter that requires slow and tactical gameplay, it has an uphill battle to make people stick around and it better offer a huge pool of game-changing loot or it will have 30k max daily players. Also, the robot enemies don’t look like something you’d want to shoot at for a 100 hours, Helldivers 2 has two (about to become three) completely distinct enemy factions, one with blood and guts and the environments change all the time.
Can someone give me a rundown on why there‘s so much negativity revolving around this?
First five minutes of SkillUp’s review is a good rundown. It seems like a mindless action clickathon with imitation of gameplay seen in better games, a safe sterile story and a large chunk of world design repurposed leftovers from someone’s abandoned Overwatch-but-DA ambitions.
edit: also, I note how reviews that peg this as a “return to form” are written and SkillUp’s has video to back his opinions and it looks pretty damning.
Fuck you, Ubi. Apart from all your shitty practices, it’s a 15-hour game that’s 40€ with a 50€ complete edition and cosmetics bullshit. That shit won’t fly anymore. I might get it in two years when it’s 10€, but only if your kill your launcher as a requirement.
edit: also, it came out a month ago. Learn to suck on the long tail of sales before you sacrifice your employees to Chtulhu, they’ll just make their own vaguely middle eastern platformers in Unity or UE and make more money than your shitty company.
I would be careful with such generalizations - not because I’d be downvoted into a hole (I’ve turned the scores off and just DGAF), but it’s epistemologically a bad habit. However, whatever I’ve seen so far that SBI had their fingers in does have a certain fellow-kids, safe-edgy, corporate-approved, plushie-anarchist tone, the dialogues are atrociously bad and disjointed from their theme (Sable’s postapocalypse, for instance). They can do a less funny version of Joss Whedon’s relaxed banter and they tend to stick it everywhere. But what I really dislike about SBI is that it’s obviously a grift, making developers cough protection money to add pronouns and hair colors to characters.
At 15€ or less certainly, they can get fucked with 70€.
I wouldn’t pay Microsoft for a subscription if it was the last way to play games left.