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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


It had some fun elements, but it’s not comparable to wd2 or wd1. It’s like they ran out of money halfway through development and just released the game as is. If you really want to play it, wait until it’s on sale somewhere and don’t be disappointed, you were warned.

I played Watch Dogs Legion two years after its release and I doubt it has changed much since then, it was an unfinished mess without much story.

I’m pretty sure UE4 wasn’t even close to being released when Star Citizen started, and changing engine is a good way of wasting a lot of time.

Did Star Citizen change engine? I thought they used a modified CryEngine. Just checked, they now use Lumberyard, which is based on CryEngine.

It always seems like very few people played Remember Me.

Lower budgets would probably be better. High budgets mean high risk, developers and publishers try to minimize that risk and you get bland games that try to cater to too many tastes. Movies suffer from the same problem. They get budgets in the hundreds of millions and you wonder what they spent it all for.