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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: May 10, 2024


EA? Why, what happened? Is it truly the end of time?!

No but seriously, does someone know what the motivation is?

I think they are just baking a cake. Delicious moist cake.

Source: It was revealed to me in a dream.

A USB standard is the primary reason? Why is that?

The definition of digital rights management is licensing? That does not sound right to me.

A long time before steam the software sector moved to selling licenses only btw.

This is the case in steam already. There are lots of (mainly Indy) games that will start fine without steam.

Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying.

Edit: And with Microsoft it’s even more apparent as there were large proprietary operating systems before Microsoft got big.

Well you are wrong. I am not saying that this situation is fine. I am saying that it is not the individual company that is the main problem but the system that enables them to begin with.

Just dismantling valve is not a long term solution. It’s short sighted. Without them there would be others in their footsteps. One needs to change the system to change that. Give companies opportunities and they will exploit them. I actually agree with the above comment that legislation / regulation is a solution to this problem.

That is why I am pissed off that I am called stupid and bootlicker. That is not a good way to discuss things and especially not a good way to get to an understanding.

And yes I do think that there is a high chance other big tech companies would’ve done worse than valve. Which is not a great endorsement for them to be clear.

Where did I say they are necessary? Where did I say you need a proprietary third party launcher?

What other statements do you want to put in my mouth?

Don’t be naïve. As long as greed is enabled in our society this or worse would’ve always been the outcome. Or do you think other companies would’ve slept on the opportunity?

Nice strawmen you got there. Where the fuck did you see me defend a billionaire?!

I am just being realistic here. Our current society enables greed and greed would’ve always led to this situation or worse. We need to change the system fundamentally to change that.

Yea, right. It would’ve been another platform to capitalize on the internet becoming more available and digital distribution becoming viable.

Just thought of something: would you be afraid of animals/living things or other humans in your own room?

That’s how I feel when I am mentally there.

Nope. If you are deep enough surprisingly few things are alive down there. And if I’m alone in the dark my hearing starts to compensate for my lack of sight. Been under the earth a few times.

I would prefer a lantern or something next to me that I can turn on at any time though.

I blame my ancestors who were mainly miners but I am actually quite comfy underground. Be it in games like Minecraft or real life.

I dream of being able to sleep deep underground in a mine. Warm and completely dark. So dark that you cannot see your hands in front of your eyes. Water dripping in the background. That is my mental safe space tbh.

She as a woman of course also has no idea what femininity is and that women have body hair.

What here is hateful and if it is where is the hate aimed at?

I mean it is for GTA online if I understand this correctly. Cheating in multiplayer is a shitty thing to do IMHO.

In Singleplayer I’m with you. My game, my computer, my control.

Why the heck did nobody yet develop an alternative like we’ve seen with SimCity/City skylines?!

They would make so much money and fuck EA.

That’s a strange hill to die on. I mean sure I will also never buy this game but with inflation it’s just a matter of time.

I would much rather have a higher initial cost with no macro transactions in game.

You only need to ask yourself why the PSU manufacturer would bother including the second connector on the same cable if it wasn’t ok to use it.

If you use a third party extension/splitter that would be another story but it doesn’t look that way in the diagram.

Only if you buy a shitty PSU. Quality ones have lots of protection circuits so worst case the PC would randomly shut down in high load situations.

Even then if the manufacturer put two connectors on the end of the cable they made sure to put large enough conductors to handle at least the max load of the connectors specifications. Again if it’s not a shitty no name brand. Probably with a good safety factor as well.

It’s not like 300-400W is that much energy in the grand scheme of things, so thicker wires wouldn’t even be expensive.

I can’t resist. I’ve been indoctrinated by my math classes: “A vector is an element of a vector field.”

A bunch of numbers is not immediately a vector. To be a vector you need the defining functions of a vector field also. Like addition and scalar multiplication.