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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Cars are like 5% of co2 emmisions. Until they ban dirty ship oil and curb industry emissions (world wide), nothing will change.

That’s like religious people saying: how can you have ethics without religion? Well, I don’t need the threat of eternal damnation to not murder anyone, but you do apparently. Remind me to never be left alone with those people, just in case they suddenly lose faith.

If you cant respect someone who doesn’t respect you, maybe you’re just a narcissistic asshole.

Probably crypto, that’s basically just imaginary money, it’s right up their alley.

Ai porn isn’t deepfake porn. The default is just a random ai generated face and body. Unless you want to it’s difficult to deepfake someone.

Why at you surprised? You can have 10000 books in the space of a single folder.

Which is exactly why big companies can pressure normal people (and small companies) in not messing with them and basically can get away with anything.

Oh you gave us bad publicity, we’ll sue you for defamation. Even if the chance of them winning is very slim, the risk of having to pay millions in legal fees is enough for most people to roll over. Sad, really.

I feel like this should be limited to what the losing party paid in legal fees, basically doubling it. It’s not my fault they hired 200 high-end lawyers vs my single cheap one.

I also have this, once per day or so I get the notification and have to enable the connection again. It’s only since I updated to Android 14. Don’t know why, probably some battery optimization.

So they got fined 150k for not bringing enough fuel. How much would the extra fuel (and larger fuel tank) cost? Probably more than 150k…

The flips smaller size is awesome, but I think that positive is offset by the annoyance of having to open the phone the every time.

The fold I could see myself buying in a later gen. Once the hinge and screen are through a few more iterations I think I’ll buy one. The huge screen is just so nice. But folded up it shouldn’t be much heavier, larger, thicker than a normal phone, I already think modern phones are way too big as it is.

Chromium, not chrome. Which means also Brave, Edge, Opera, Vivaldi and a lot more. Basically only Firefox and Safari are left as the big non-chromium ones.

But that’s not the worst of it. Even if you tear out this code, more and more websites will be built that rely on it. Which means Firefox etc also need to include it to keep functioning.