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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 02, 2023


I don’t know anything about this game, but I’m tired of that one guy spamming it in the comments of RCE videos. The description makes it sound pretty cool despite that.

I can’t comment on the comparison, as I didn’t play most of those, but I will comment on Sands of Time:

The premise of the game is that the protagonist is recalling a story. He narrates your actions as you play, but you can fail. If you fail, you can die. If you die, the narrator says things like “and then I died. No, wait, that’s not right” and you can rewind time.

I always thought that was pretty funny.

While I don’t disagree with anything you said, I think this comment descended into nihilism with alarming rapidity and I hope you’re okay.

I genuinely try to add to the conversation whenever I comment and avoid “this” style comments. I don’t necessarily do a great job based on my comment history.

But I have to say … This comment was brilliant.

My five year old would strongly disagree with you.

Though they would call it “Buzzy Butt.”

Is that both outgoing and incoming?

edit: diminished redundancy.

Hence the “bastardization” part.

My mind went to “we’re the Monkees,” but that’s a bit of a bastardization and also ages me somewhat. I’ll just pretend I’ve ever heard of Sseth. Yeah! References! And so on.

Previously, I have not commented on your posts, but I appreciate them. You have your imitators and they have some good stuff, but so far as I can tell, you’re their progenitor. Thank you for your Lemmy contributions.

Obviously this comment doesn’t add much to the conversation, but it’s my 1337th comment, so I wanted it to be a joyful one … And currently every other post on my feed is depressing or at least highly contentious, so I would appreciate you for being the exception even if I didn’t enjoy your content.


That’s a fascinating way to spell… Presumably “quarterback”?

I originally bought (yes, bought) Fortnite because a friend and I were super into H1Z1 (now the non-existent “Just Survive” version, RIP) and he thought they would be similar. They certainly weren’t identical, but there was definitely some overlap.

Then PUBG started to get popular and both H1Z1 and Fortnite completely redesigned themselves … One more successfully than the other.

The impulse is understandable, but yeah. You’d think they’d learn.

While I agree, we shouldn’t criticize people for learning and changing for the better.

Yes. I also use the heel of my hand, at least on the left side, at least for modifier keys. Everyone who has ever observed this (well, minus one, to be technically accurate) seems to have been personally offended by it.

That wasn’t twenty years ago … It was, like, three. Right? Please tell me I’m right.

The person perhaps (eventually) most qualified to answer this might be Graeldon, who is on a quest to play every Steam game in alphabetical order.

Fair enough.

NerdCubed is, or was, my favorite YouTuber. I don’t like his live streams as much, but he did play Tomba in one.


This is exciting news, but the abbreviation makes me want to go to the Amigara Fault.

Happy to be of service, hope you love it.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding your complaint, but it is available on PC?

edit: s/actually/available/

Autocorrect and inattention are not my friends recently.

You have convinced me to investigate The Thaumaturge.

Also … Excellent points, all.

edit: s/Everyone/Excellent/

FWIW, my understanding is that the owner of Epic is actively anti-Linux, so your third feature is a unlikely at best. The fourth was only remotely likely due to market share.

I’ve never discovered review bombing over steam. Either my peers mention it to me or I see it on social media.

Though to be fair, almost all of my decisions about buying games are made from watching videos of said game, rather than reading reviews. Steam reviews, for me, are either for very cheap games I’m buying impulsively or games where I have some insight but am still on the fence.

I used to read Rock Paper Shotgun as part of the decision making process, but I’ve found their input less useful the last few years.