Tiger Jerusalem

Just a bastard roaming around the world

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Motorola had it right, the sensor was right where my index fingers rested on the back. Unfortunately this isn’t “premium” nor “hi-tech” enough to sell phones.

I would love a Bluetooth keyboard cover like that for my s22

I still use version 7 of Nova, it’s the only launcher in the market that knows how to handle icons. Any other is frankly a disaster, they can’t make them look good at all.

Google is taking a page from Apple, iOS does exactly that kind of shit. It’s annoying.

The part that gets me is “cratering bonuses”. They canceled projects and ruined people’s lives by firing them not because the company was hurting, or in heavy debt, or facing bankruptcy, but because their managers and C-level executives earned a bit less than usual due to poor planing and management.

Corporate America can go fuck themselves with sand.

Cool, I may try in the future when Epic offers it for free.

“I mean, the three people still playing it are reeeealy playing it, you know? They engaged in our game like no other! Record player engagement everybody!”

This looks like a Netflix movie in a Cowboy Bebop live action way. Me no like.

Neo kinda sucks, and looks like it’s abandoned so no hope in f it ever getting better.

I still use version 7 because Nova is the only launcher that gives me tabs and treats icons the right way. No other launcher manages to do it, it’s baffling.

The ideal phone to me today would be an iPhone mini with three cameras running Android. I currently get by with the vanilla S22, it has everything I need except the size.

Autoreboot is a thing on Samsung phones for quite a while, you can even choose the days of the week and the time for the reboot.

Among Us was really fun and the possibility to see its characters making cameos on the games is too funny. Bring me a No Man’s Sky special event!