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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 06, 2023


Alas, I’m the sysadmin. It’s not domain joined.

Microsoft is forcing it, but many configurations are delayed due to the critical issues they’ve been hitting.

24h2 has tried to force install on my machine I work with 4 times now. It wastes an hour or so each attempt, then crashes and automatically rolls back.

This machine otherwise is up to date and has no other issues.

The failed attempts have forced me to plan on the machine being unusable for the first chunk of my morning, and on each attempt performance bogs down while it does the pre-game crap.

I’m not wanting to disable security updates… I want to disable the forced “feature” update.

Dudes doing this shit just ooze little dick energy… If you get so damned pissy about anyone pinching their fingers together, go jerk off to your podcasts and leave human beings alone.

Like the ideas so far.

My requests/thoughts:

Option to integrate or remove the bottom icons with the other rows… When setting sizes they don’t match up.

Love the rows themselves, fits my preferences well. Especially the arrangement haptics!

Disable the media players option? Maybe dynamically expand from a single icon when in use? Dedicate to a specific media source?

Widget picker is a bit of a mess, option to sort by application?

So far really liking what it is. Keep at it please!

Weapon debris setting… RTX cards apparently hate it lol. Breaks PhysX.


Thanks, gave it a shot but still dies fast. Might be close in the right direction though.

Released: ✔️ Installed: ✔️ New game: ✔️ Crashed: ✔️

Ahhh… Good ol Bethesda!

Awesome news, and I look Forward to what folks make of this.

Shout-out to “Overload”, the spiritual successor that is great fun. VR version is included in case you need to aggressively lose your lunch. Fantastic game.

Nexus 6p. Mine self destructed due to a damned chip flaw, but was the first phone to have a camera that literally floored me. Every thing about the phone was the epitome of “more than the sum of it’s parts”. Bought a refurb cheap just to get another 2 years despite the known flaw.

I’d say that if most of the Nexus line, but 6p was the best. Absolutely treasure my now-useless but mint Nexus One.

Pixel just haven’t quite done it for me, and that saddens me so much.

OnePlus had some great hits. I’m very fond of my Bacon, and and 7 pro. The 8pro was great too, but some of the special was… less.

I still love mine. I’ve moved on but still fire this up from time to time just because pretty and comfy

Crusader: No Remorse / No Regret


So many great remixes of it too.