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Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Swiftkey was the first to steal it from Swype I’m pretty sure

I’m not shy about Linux but my eyes glazed over reading that flow chart. Don’t pretend this is okay for typical users switching from Windows

For anyone else confused, no, this is not League of Legends. It’s a fighting game apparently called 2XKO

I guess the Rising Thunder team finally has something to show.

I’ve never had a problem with grey sticks. GameCube and 360 had grey, and they disintegrate before they ever get discolored. My C stick inevitably ends up scuffed and looking like the tip of a yellow marker after you color over black though

Yeah I had the GOTY edition with shivering isles etc, but if it came with the horse armor I have no memory of it. I certainly didn’t buy it with horse armor in mind. I’d like to know if that was included in the figures.

We know pretty damn well that people buy cosmetics though, especially in the current gaming landscape. So he’s right, and we all lost something important here

These reviews never do a great job talking about UI/UX and that’s literally the only thing I care about until they get the steam deck OS or Microsoft actually enters the space with a Windows version.

It’s data.

It’s never “owning” in the traditional sense, because data is not physical.

When people say they own something, there’s an implication that it’s theirs until they decide to part with it. That is true for games bought without DRM. DRM free the closest you’ll ever get to ‘owning’ data, you possess that on your own local device and it can’t be taken away.

You can lose the ability to download the game, sure. But that is an additional service, not the game itself. You have that data until you delete it. Same with GoG Galaxy. that’s an extra service.

You’re arguing 2 or 3 different things. Ownership as a legal right, ownership as in possession, and a weird third thing where you seem to be confusing meta services with the ownership of the thing itself.

But GoG provides it DRM free, so you can always play what you’ve downloaded til the end of time. It’s as good as piracy in that way.

MMOs just don’t exist anymore. It’s all stuff like this. I moved on to other genres. Rust is more of an MMO than WoW at this point

"Valve’s in-development moba Deadlock picked up a couple new non-game features in an update this week, all of which are intended to make the experience of play among a larger population much better. The major first update is a low priority queue, which will place players in a secondary queue that’s less likely to match. Players can be placed in low priority by abandoning games or for bad behavior, and will have to complete a certain number of full games in order to return to normal matchmaking.

Players can also now lose access to certain capabilities in-game as punishments, such as matchmaking, voice and text chat, pausing, and even reporting other players for abuse.

It’s a nice step forward, and an inevitable one, in what will probably be one of the highest-profile open development cycles since Valorant’s late 2019 and early 2020 betas. They’ll need that pretty quick, to be honest—they’ve already got cheaters messing around in there which is honestly pretty sad for the cheaters. It’s not even a finished game.

Deadlock has certainly been the subject of much discussion here at PC Gamer, with Morgan Park letting us all know that even if it has guns it’s probably not a shooter and Justin Wagner ignoring him completely in order to go and play more deadlock.

“Deadlock gives me the same feeling Dota 2 and Team Fortress 2 did before they consumed my life,” said Wagner.

“Deadlock is an iteration on the MOBA, but it’s not an incremental one. While so many games have come and gone angling to “reinvent” the genre by shifting the camera angle or tweaking a few mechanics, this game is so stuffed with new ideas it’s difficult to appraise just how much depth it all lends,” he continued.

Either way, everyone can agree on who the best gargoyle in Deadlock is."

Dota is top down 3D. Isometric is a whole different thing that describes what type of projection is used to render the scene

No, it’s top down. Isometric specifically refers to a parallel projection

This is what I hope it is. There’s way too many joke reviews. I don’t want to see review bombs get silenced because they are very informative when I’m not in the know about a particular developer/game’s situation. I don’t want to buy games that are outraging players. Chances are, I’ll be one of the outraged too if I give them my money.

If a game isn’t overwhelmingly positive, I almost never buy it. I also find review bombs completely valid in almost every case and I’m not interested in funding games that have managed to outrage their player base. In every case I would be outraged by the same thing they are.

I pirated it. It worked, I didn’t run into any bugs like 1.0, and I had fun, on my steam deck no less. I didn’t finish and I might go back to it at some point, but that doesn’t say as much for the game as it does my attention span. I rarely finish games. I’d go as far as to recommend it now based on what I played.

I maintain that I’m glad they were able to fix it and market the improvements earnestly. They made good on their initially bad project, and that should be applauded.

Wonder if that strictly means lessons learned in development, or if it hints at onboard processing like a Quest. I’ve been more impressed with smaller headsets like bigscreen than standalone units lately

I didn’t see a single hitscan weapon in the entire trailer. Even the sniper was leading shots. Chaingun seems to be back for all weight classes instead of a dozen different ‘assault rifle’ weapons with short mags. Maybe they actually learned their lesson on how to make a tribes game this time.

It was severely mismanaged as early as the closed beta. I think they failed the execution so heavily that honestly the best option was to sunset it. The big blue update or whatever was actually a pretty pro-consumer move all things considered.

I might be ready to forgive them if they can execute this time. No f2p seems a little too reactionary especially in the current climate of fortnite, Apex, overwatch 2, Valorant, cs2, etc, but I’m cautiously optimistic for now.

Ok here’s a response. I pirated cyberpunk on release fully expecting it to be buggy. I enjoyed bits of it at the time but I stopped because it was too buggy and unpolished.

This is CD Project Red’s track record, but somehow everyone forgot about how bad Witcher 3 was. I expected this 2.0 update eventually and I’m glad they started another marketing push, so that I can know it’s time for the game to actually be ‘done’. Obviously they paid streamers to show the game, that’s no secret. But also it looks genuinely better, just like Witcher 3. So I’ll probably actually buy it next time it goes on sale, after pirating it to see if it’s worth it now.

Meanwhile Starfield looks exactly like the milktoast Skyrim reskin I expected it to be, with nothing really standing out. Bethesda has been slowly comodifying their games since Morrowind -> Oblivion then followed an obvious template since Skyrim. It really shows in their boring designs.

Cyberpunk was trying to do too much, but Starfield isn’t doing enough.

I watched multiple tech reviews bend the thing in their bare hands. Just because you didn’t damage yours doesn’t mean it wasn’t a huge issue

That’s not the target usecase for the deck or for cs2. It’s cool that it’s possible and really showcases how flexible and capable the deck is, but valve has no obligation to support or optimize for it.

Cs2 is quite optimized for a typical Windows gaming PC, aka the target platform. I get well over 300fps on my midrange build. Valve is putting a lot of extra work into proton configurations to get Windows games working well out of the box on the deck, it’s perfectly fine that they haven’t done that specific work for the deck yet, if at all.

I’m sorry to say but you’re an outlier. Most people with decks aren’t typically docking them, and even less are docking them as a desktop replacement. For me it’s a portable with the flexibility of easy couch coop but I never want to have to use a mouse and keyboard on it.

Controlling scope of supported systems to ones that are most commonly used is the smartest thing they could do. There’s a reason cs2 isn’t supporting consoles this time around and it’s telegraphing great things for the game this time. They aren’t making the same mistakes they had to correct with cs:go on launch.

Yeah we should be able to play half life Alyx on the steam deck too!!

Well there’s a reason it’s not a verified game. Valve is rightfully not targeting the steam deck for it because the gameplay experience wouldn’t be good. If you want to still play it that’s on you but I don’t blame them for not supporting it. It shows that they are serious about cs this time, imo

Thanks for checking that man you’re the best. I’ll definitely get some podcasts transferred over and try it out after work tonight

Might try it, does it have skip silence, per cast playback speeds and configurable start and ending skips?

Man I recently switched from podcast addict after years because podcast addict put an annoying nag about permissions changes in Android, plus I always had issues with the playlist/queuing. Guess I’ll go back to it soon

I didn’t have any issues. We did notice some input lag but disabling vsync helped a lot. Not sure if that was controller related

I use so many of steams features it’s unfathomable to use any other launcher or even pirate anything because steam is so streamlined. Cloud saves, automatic local file transfers instead of redundant downloads, family share to my friends PC so half the time when I visit she’ll have already downloaded and played my new games. When I get there they’re just ready to go. Remote desktop to make any tweaks on my PC or casual gaming over stream. Big picture mode so I can lay back with a controller and chill, no futzing with m+kb UI. Steam input means I can easily drop in and out with any controllers.

I just got a steam deck and while I could install another app store on it, I’ve entirely stuck with steam just for the UX. I don’t want to fuck with extra launchers and touchscreen bs.

I just played a coop Windows game on a Linux based portable PC on a 4K TV with a $24 USB hub for video out, using an Xbox and ps5 controllers over Bluetooth. This was completely seamless and controller navigated. Steam is insanely good.

Since switching everything over to bitwarden I never have to recover a password. I used to do it everytime I used a less common service