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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


You’re forgetting that they have to import all the components that are inside. Also mine says “Assembled in China”, check yours, lol.

I didn’t think about it, though if that makes it harder to track it (can’t they just check the user agent?) could that actually be good, as the sites will never know exactly how many users they will lose, so might be more hesitant to pull the trigger?

Absolutely. If you think you can switch when chrome will be completely hostile it will be too late.

The reason they are trying those things in chrome is because the market share of Firefox is currently low. They are counting that you won’t have the option to run Firefox anymore, because sites will stop supporting it. Don’t let that happen.

We saw other similar news from China which turned out to be a bunk. I wouldn’t hold my breath. I would love to be wrong though.

That’s how I understand Mastodon’s meant to work. You have your instance like you do a mail server, then you have full control over it.

Maybe I’m missing something but it looks like it is about watching some streams to get some items that don’t affect the game.

How is that similar to making people spend money (often exploiting predispositions to gambling addiction)?

Well it was essentially a boycott. If people will stop buying games made by them, then publishers will stop hiring them and the company will go bankrupt. So I can understand the motivation for it.

Now, I think the whole scandal is really manufactured. The company goal is basically to provide contractor writers to help with game development. They try to differentiate themselves by claiming that they write content that is inclusive, which can help make games for a wider populace.

The hate though is misdirected. People are claiming that the games are bad, because the company made them bad, when in reality if publisher prefers to hire contractor writers rather than hire their own, they likely don’t care about quality and just want to milk the franchise.

I actually had no idea bout this scandal until yesterday, when it was talked by a streamer while playing Cyberpunk 2077. The guy complained how other games are ruined by SweetBaby. What is golden for me is that he said he loves Cyberpunk 2077, that it’s very fun game, but in the game you have straight, gay, bi, trans NPC characters. You can even be gay, bi, trans yourself.

The game has loser men, and powerful women (I mean the NUSA president is a women) similarly, you have black characters that are very powerful and honorable, you have a powerful Asian woman in DLC that has skills that you can’t surpass. I mean the game is the wokest of woke, yet still “it is fun” for him.

To me it was perfect example that it is all bullshit, and really what makes game great is the effort put in not whether it is woke/anti-woke.

They are contractor writers, if a company is using such services for their games instead of hiring their own staff writers, then they are not that interested in quality.

I would see myself saying that not long ago, but now a 50GB game is nothing unusual.

I think it is fair. They even had a good plan, which would work if antitrust laws weren’t rendered toothless. They started with rural areas that seemed to be forgotten by ISPs. They started providing 1 Gbps at an affordable price.

Suddenly existing ISPs that had 1Mbps services could do 1 Gbps too! And they could do it cheaper too, even under the cost to provide the service. They could do it, because they overcharge their customers everywhere else.

They did that in every city Google Fiber entered.

Not only that, they owned communication wells which Google needed access to to run fiber to customer’s homes and were actively blocking from using them.

Google tried different ways, around it and it failed spectacularly, for example: https://gizmodo.com/google-fiber-will-pay-3-8-million-to-fix-roads-marred-1834074398

Title II had special clause which requires owners of existing infrastructure to lease it to competitors (this was excluding by Wheeler when they reclassified it).

The leasing is what is necessary to enable competition.

We won’t get competition if every ISP that wants to enter the market needs to run fiber to every house separately. It is very expensive, and if it wasn’t, it is very impractical. Even Google with its “unlimited” capital wasn’t able to enter the market. Think about that.

It’s mostly because California passed net neutrality law, so it is harder to do it and be compliant there. The politicians also made mistake and did not ban zero rating, which is the current way of doing it (have laughably small data caps and provide unlimited access to affiliated companies)