• 3 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 28, 2023


Thats technicaly correct for me .I often play eu4 while i watch eu4 and spice it up with a bit of music in the background. Alghtough i do only watch gameplays of games im really into ( eu4 ,against the storm ) but generaly not skilled ( or patient )enough to do whatewer crazy shit the streamer is doing, rarely gameplays of games where plot is important in any way and when id do usualy its speedruns.

Im pretty sure gog is more popular than epic games . Alghtough i might be biased due to my country of origin.

Im pretty sure we could make AI in games smarter and/or better than humans for a long time. They are just not fun to play against. You need to have AI that you can win against. What i think should be happening instead of neural networks is the ai should gamble a bit more . The good example is eu4 where on hard difficulty ai will not attack you until its sure it can win… which makes it more predictable than normal ai beacuse you can reasonably guess whetewer it will attack you and try to outmanouver it. Wheras on normal sometimes it will just attack you if there is a reasonable ( or sometimes even unreasonable ) chance to win which makes normal sometimes( very very very very rarely ) harder difficulty. Now hard difficulty is stil generaly ( 99,9% of time ) much harder due to ai cheats but what i said is a thing. Total war Warhammer 3 could use that in particular to spice things up. Currently attacking army will always attack and defending will defend which makes attacking more advantagous , and the army will always wait for reinforcment . They could for example make it so depending on the army composition ( or even just rng ) the defending army will sometimes attack ( for example when there are only melee combatants ) so that you dont have time to deal damage with mage . Or the opposite. Make it so the attacking army will just stay still and protect the artilery and bombard you with canons it it has lots of artilery . Like you know just some basic strategies so the fights arent always so similar at the begining.

Is there a way to sort steamcharts by total hours played? Im kinda curious about that stat but i can seem to find a way to sort it on site.

That kinda explains the dissciation gamers and game makers (studio,publisher etc ) have with each other today. And the publishers continuus trying at live service games. I imagine similar thing is happening with consoles. I personaly knew it was a thing with FIFA but i never knew it was so widespread ( fifa and sports game are kinda special or at least i thought they were ). Maybe those pepole bought one game a year additionaly sometimes if it was aired often enough as ad on tv.

That actually explains so much shit we see today , like online subcsriptions on PlayStation and xbox. If the majority ( or large enough minority ) will play one game only making them pay for online is a goddam goldmine. F* i would probably do it if was ceo of PlayStation and actually knew the stats ( and Obviusly if they were favorable ).

how is final fantasy XVI
So i kinda want to buy FFXVI but looking through the opinions and reviews it stands somewhere between the worst final fantasy game ever made and second coming of jesus wit plot ranging from infantile dark fantasy to great story with deep engaging dark themes. WHICH IS IT?

Yes they cant. Dlss is something they developed and every single one of their GPU has cuda cores ( not only for ai , they are just generaly usefull ). Pepole are expecting them to work with dlss. Its kinda stating the obvius

By console controlers i meant first party console controlers. So dualshock,dualsense, official xbox controlers or switch pro controler ( Most commonly xbox , alghtough recently i saw uptick in recomending PlayStation controlers ). The 3rd party controlers are either poor quality or just as expensive and quite often both ( which is probably why console official controlers are recommended as sort of stamp of quality )

I mean its good enough just as a quick setting menu like in kilzone. I wonder why more games dont use it as such. I would love to have it as quick setting in cyberpunk so i can quickly change between grenade rocket launcher and the camuflage ( or to be precise map whatewer i need there , thats just my particular build ).

Yup i see that complaint very often and i do not understand where pepole get it. The r2 l2 whatewer its called thingy is probably the most used new controler feature since analog became a thing ( or perhaps speaker on the controler. Thats used quite extensivly since dualshock 4 ).

The touchpad is still usless tho despite it being a thing since ps4.

They are not good at least partialy beacuse of sony which apparently actively sabotaged them. At least dualshock 4 . It may be better with dualsense alghtough i doubt it .

Also another cavieat is that they unfortunetly are quite affordable for what they offer. Even on pc the recommendation is usualy to buy console controler ( alghtough not nessearily current gen one ). They truly pack quite a bit of technology in them.

That actually makes a lot of sense given the fact that i havent heard about massive steam data centers. I suppose they just rent their servers from data centers around the world. Which actually is very suprising. I imagine at their scale making their own data centers would save them money.

Actually i just think they must subcontract a lot of their daily operation. I refuse to belive such low numbers are enough to even handle the complaints from stolen shipments and broken devices not to mention all the other complaints. It is more than enough to actually develop the platform but surely not to handle day to day operations.

Does the 5g have the same problems or did they improved it . Because right now that may be a collosal problem if my country ever wanted to turn off 2g ( which to be fair likely wont happen for a long time ).

So why exatcly 3g or 2g never had this problem. Also why is that then that i can use 4g internet but somewhow making a phone call on the same network is not allowed?

Ok i never understood this. But can i ask wtf is there a certification required for using volte or vowifi ( particulary VoLTE )?

Its the same with film and anime ,probably also aplies to comics and books Everyone remembers a few good titles from the ‘old times’ ( and the old times depend on the person complaining ) and comapres it to every modern production convieniently forgeting about the garbage and medicore stuff that was put at that time.

And then there is the case of some genres falling put of favor. Whetewer we are talking about western in film or RTS in computer games . That actually is pretty reasonable complain since the way it usualy goes we have a massive oversupply of certain genres followed by a drought because as it turns out there is a limit to how much harem school anime horny teenagers and middle aged corporate workers will watch per year.

Yeach but also if league didnt put up with the times it likely would have been abandoned by most players so you could say its basicaly just a series of sequels . I mean its basicaly a fifa but instead of yearly realse you get constant updates. As far as im concerned a superior development model.

Yup. It was similar case to me. Especialy since i had the ocasion to play ps vr 1 and it was dope even if motion controls were a litle janky. And then ps vr2 came and all my hopes and dream were crushed. Honestly until Nintendo decides to ship full vr only console/hybrid i dont expect anyone to provide apropriate support to vr. For all their faults they do support their consoles with games to the death.

Dragons dogma 2 controversy over the DLC on steam ( and optimisation and denuvo )
Sooo it might be controversial but i think its kinda overblown. Particulary the DLC part. For better or for worse capcom is doing this shit in nearly every one of their games so i kinda expected this shit . Also i actually like that this particular policy for one has blown in their face ( alghtough i fear the only lesson they will learn is that they shouldnt make big AAA games aimed for western audience ) even if its exagerated. Denuvo. Denuvo is a cancer and im tempted to pirate and not buy the game just to say fuck you to Denuvo( it would actually be my first time pirating games if i ever did this ). In fact i kinda want to make a list similar to the sweet baby one named the games you should pirate. Optimisation. It is poor apparently. Nothing new really as far as pc games go. Apparently cpu usage is quite big.Possibly due to Denuvo or it might be the usual case of rtx 4090 coupled with intel core i3 from 2013 , which is suprisingly common thing and pepole act outraged every time ot turns out their 10 year old cpu is too weak.

Speaking of air cargo. Why exatcly there are no moder zeppelins? They seem like a perfect way to transport cargo

It wont be all at once. Those changes usualy go very slow. Especialy in the buisness sector.

whats your unconcious sign that you really really like the game you are playing
So i just noticed that when i really like the game at some point i will at once play the game and watch the stream/youtube wideo of the game( usualy speedrun or aome hardcore challenge). I noticed it recently with anno 1800 but now that i think about it i did that with tales of arise, eu4 ,kings bounty,total war,hades and probably some more. So i wonder do you have similar strange habits

Hmm with the game i agree but with the music i basicaly buy a full cd every month. And i doubt pepole were buying a cd every month. The only controversy to me here is the revenue sharing model which seems to be shitty on some of the platforms( like Spotify wich i would probably ditch for tidal if not for the amazing discver weekly )

Havent they made jedi the fallen order ? Apparently it was quite a good game alghtough buggy as hell on pc

But the ps5 plays games in 4k .if i remember correctly 4k requires 16x compute power compared to 1080p ( on the gpu side ). So with dlss from 720p to 1080p it might be possible to match 4k ps5 . Alghtough it might be immposible with the games bound by cpu , unlike the ps4/xbox one generation the consoles this time dont have a completly dogshit CPU from the get go.

Actually its quite the opposite usualy and games on conosles run well while on pc they can be a buggy mess. Granted on pc they will/can look better but the optimization is mostly done for console players.

Hmm .i dont know if you ever noticed but there usualy is a very little diffrence between ultra and high/very high but a lot of diffrence in performance. Ultra settings were always designed to sweat the pc and i assume its similar with starfield . And there is also advent of the 4k which put this ridicolous standard even higer( which especialy on pc makes very little sense unless you play on it like on a console from your couch ). In fact the fact that old graphics card are still faring so well is an anomaly rather than the standard.

Hmm yeach ive heard that spotify aproach is kinda shitty and allows music boosting by bots. But at least tidal as far as i know is fair in that regard. basing the revenue based on hours played im game is fairly shitty. Actually Given the games specific i wonder what would actually be fair ( actually i know what would be fair. Microsoft buying the games that you downloaded straight up and paying the current price,but i really doubt it would be sustainable ).

I think the games generaly wont go into subscription only simply beacuse of how much time they take. You speak as if 180$ is a good deal but a lot of pepole do not play enough to justify spending 180$ on gamepass ( of course if you play online on consoles the equation works a little diffrent beacuse of their shitty practice of paid online but thats another matter ). Its not music that is consumed repetivly in massive amounts or to a lesser extent tv and film industry. Games take an awful lot of time amd many of the best ones are free to play already( Path of Exile )

I always wondered if thats really true for smaller musicians . I mean you get bigger share of subscription money without label and you should come out on top over cd eventualy if pepole are listening to your music. The only diffrence being that you get your money over time instead of an imidieate boost. I get this feeling its just the case of more music being made than ever before.

Also how does revenue sharing works in case of games. In case of music its pretty easy but in case of games i am not sure how that works.

I mean dark brotherhood is literaly the only thing i even remember from skyrim and not even beacuse of the questline but beacuse of the ability to kill the kidnaper and raid the brotherhood( and the music. The music in skyrim was amazing or at the very least very iconic ). Never finished Skyrim myself beacuse i just got bored at some point. In essence times have changed and they cant really make the same game over and over again. They need to innovate in a more meanigfull way. And that seems to be the main point of criticism. i myself havent played nor do i intend to since at least until i get an xbox or better pc. And probably even then i wouldnt play it . I prefer more story heavy rpgs like dragon age or witcher.

The thing is Amazon dosent exatcly need to be competetive.heck they could make it basicaly a Amazon prime semi-exclusive platform for games basicaly competing with xbox game pass instead of steam or with both of them at once

Frankly speaking specs wise seems kinda competitive to me. I certainly would have bought it if i hadnt bought my phone literaly 3 weeks ago. And frankly speaking if they hadnt annouced that headphone jack is not coming back i would have waited for relase instead of buying rog phone on a promo.

I dont know about the premium earbuds but as far as the cheap shit ones go wireless are longer lasting simply beacuse they dont have a wire that gets ripped off regulary. Still dosent excuse the removal of headphone jack tho.

You underestimate how old average cars in some countries are. 15 years old in Poland for example. They are from times where smartphones were barerly a thing. And thats average. Many are even older.

Then give me 2 usb c ports on the phone.i can compromise with that

Thats exatcly what it is. Have you ever checked how much premium you pay for storage upgrades on pc? Twice as much minimum.

Most casual gamers. Also it depends on region. Steam marketed itself basically on steam only so the pc relevance as the gaming platform in your region really matters.

Yeach 32gb on switch was a joke. And they really didint need to add that much storage to make purchase of sd card unnessesary. I have 128gb sd card on my switch and thats more than enough space for switch games( kinda helps that switch is my Indie machine and they dont exatcly weight a ton, so i would still recomend 256 at least for normal use)